Browsing: Romania

Introduction. Society nowadays, with its rapid changes and unforeseen challenges, needs a(n) (inter)cultural approach. Ethnocentrism, stereotypes, and discrimination have become huge obstacles in a world shaped by technology, communication and social mobility. The world has the aspect of a ‘collage’ in which cultures are juxtaposed, being partially adapted to one another, and still unprepared for a profound dialogue. Multiculturalism presents, interprets and re-evaluates the social experience of diversity and difference.

Aim of the study. This paper will analyse the reception of the Human Body exhibition of 2013 in Romania, from a managerial point of view. The research is based on the exhibition visitors’ book, to which a content analysis was applied. The main aim of the paper is to investigate how the ‘Grigore Antipa’ Museum (Romania) constructed the cultural context in which the scientific arguments prevailed over the religious ones, turning the exhibition of plastinated human bodies into an accepted public event, with a strong emphasis on education and science (medicine). At the same time, ethical concerns and religious criticism were downplayed by maintaining the focus on the ‘education for health’ frame.
Keywords: plastination, management, museum, visitors’ book, The Human Body exhibition, Romania

Introduction. In time, management proved to be determinant for progress, including for the higher education institutions from Romania. The management in higher education institutions is grounded by the principles that govern education, among which the academic autonomy, a principle newly introduced in post-1989 Romanian legislation that gives to the academic institutions the right to manage their own human and material resources, to establish their mission and their own institutional strategy.
The manager of the academic institution is the chancellor, his responsibilities being specified both in the Law of National Education no. 1/2011 and the internal juridical documents of the higher education institutions, such as the Academic Charta.

Aim of the study. This paper aims to highlight that thechancellor carries out the management of the institution, apart from the didactic and scientific research activity, in accordance with the prerogatives conferred by the law, using his abilities of a leader in the process of academic managing.
Keywords: management, higher education institutions, academic autonomy, Romania, leadership, legislation.

Introduction. Globalization brings pressure on tourism businesses who now must develop in a more complex environment. In this framework, there is a need for a new vision, new tools for businesses to manage various aspects of the economic life.

Aim of the study. The companies must consider some changes in the way they operate, to better understand all stakeholders, the local communities and the influences from the world economy.
Keywords: tourism supply, tourism demand, business management, globalization, Romania
JEL Classification: L83, M10, Z32

Introduction. Over time, tourism sector, at the global level, has faced a number of challenges, from high gasoline prices to war and health hazards. However, tourism is a sector which always has found ways to recover from crises. But it is a sector that cannot recover as long as the whole economy does not. Romanian tourism faces many challenges related to globalisation, a phenomenon influencing most of the world countries.

Aim of the study. Sustainable tourism development requires to consider and to adapt to various factors, with influence on destinations, businesses, and visitors. Lack of coherent policies and reforms have made their mark on the efficiency, productivity, and contribution of tourism to economic development.
Keywords: risk assessment; tourism, Romania
JEL Classification: L83, Z32