Pages: 33-44
Introduction. This paper examines Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the dynamic context marked by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the conflict in Ukraine, and, particularly, the COVID-19 pandemic. The study highlights the measures taken in various countries to support their economies, with a specific focus on SMEs. Moreover, the paper emphasizes the significance of female entrepreneurship in the Romanian economy, both in general and in the current context. Research indicates that female entrepreneurship can bring greater value to the labor market and contribute to diversity and innovation.
Aim of the study. The research methodology adopts a descriptive approach based on specialized literature and statistical data, utilizing bibliographic research and the analysis of secondary data. The study analyzes data related to the number of active SMEs in Romania and the impact of the pandemic on the establishment of new businesses. It underscores the need for effective management to handle risks in a dynamic and complex entrepreneurial environment. This paper emphasizes the importance of SMEs for the economy and the necessity of efficient management to mitigate risks in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The development of female entrepreneurship adds supplementary value and can contribute to economic recovery. Thus, this paper serves as a valuable source of information for those interested in the situation of SMEs and their management.