Pages: 97-104Introduction. In the age of risk and uncertainty, countries and companies are competing in a turbulent global environment. In this respect, they have to face a plethora of different challenges, such as the COVID- 19 pandemic, disruptive technologies, demographic explosion, or climate change. A highly interconnected global economy imposes countries to compete not only for resources and markets but also to seek to hold a better place in this huge world economic network.Aim of the study. The aim of the paper is to present the evolution of the world’s largest economies in the period 2017-2020 by taking into account…
Author: Cătălin Grădinaru
Pages: 37-48Introduction. In recent years, there has been a considerable increase in awareness of the importance of promoting entrepreneurship to the younger generation.Aim of the study. The paper aims to analyse the effect of intellectual intelligence, emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence and creativity on students’ entrepreneurial intention. A quantitative approach was used in the form of a survey questionnaire, which was administeredto a sample of 197 students in the Faculty of Business and Administration, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania. The findings of the study showed that these cognitive and non-cognitive skills have a positive effect on students’ entrepreneurial intention. Full text…
Pages: 15-27Introduction. Corporations represent a vital pillar in nowadays-globalized economy and, simultaneously, constitute an essential engine in the globalization process. Worldwide, their supremacy is tougher to be challenged as their dominance has a great overall impact on the economic, social and even political factors. In this ever so constant pursuit of becoming the supreme leader, the competition between them manifests itself as a fierce one.Aim of the study. The focus of the paper is to highlight and analyse the evolution of the first ten corporations around the world for 2018-2022 based on their total revenues, profits, assets and number of…
Introduction. The generator of the accelerated progress and durable development depends on the human daily ability and capability to project , construct and reconstruct the own condition.
Aim of the study. This paper aims to highlight that cognition is the essence of the human condition. Knowledge is not only assimilation and accommodation, but it is also a huge resource permanently generating intelectual potential. Such kind of potential is connecting the physical space with the virtual one, is maintaining the cognitive value, is providing innovation, creation, storage and transfer. Knowledge is always the avant-garde and watch. Practically, it is generating the ultimate dimension of the human being. But, by reaching a summum of consumer`s society, top technology and IT, in the cognitive space a real revolution began and it certainly will change the world.
Keywords: knowledge, cognition, cognitive product, cognitive effect, cognitive revolution
Introduction. The organization (firm, enterprise, school, joint company etc) means the basic unit of the human activity. In concentrates, organizes and materializes in products, cognitions and affects all people’s efforts, finally getting to represents the main way of life in society for the human being. The organization gathers, with a view to a unitary action, bearing the same vector, people, tools, vehicles, and financial resources, cognitions and projects.
Aim of the study. Even if it always acts unitary, according to a plan derived from putting into practice some policies, strategies, this composition made up of people, money, materials and vehicles is just an agglutination of tangible and intangible, from which may results either a coherent, performing action, and therefore efficient or an incoherent and not performing action which means the destruction or abolishment of that organization. Between these two extremes, somewhere around tangible and intangible, the human being imagines, builds and creates endless possible things and ideals that are to be changed into material things.
Keywords: organization, resources, tangible, intangible, equilibrium, dynamism, complexity.
Introduction. Comparative management studies (parochial, ethnocentric, polycentric comparative, geocentric) allow us to define the scope of investigation starting from specific cultures, the similarities and differences between various cultures, from investigating multinational corporations, thus establishing the meaning of the evolution of management in the globalization era.
Aim of the study. Through this analysis we intend to briefly present some of the common elements of management in each country and, at the same time, to point out some of the notable differences. Within our analysis, we consider some peculiarities of the specific management models of enterprises in the United States, Germany, Great Britain, France and Spain. In this regard, we shall use, inter alia, Geert Hofstede’s model regarding the cultural dimensions in management (individualism / collectivism, certainty / uncertainty, masculinity / femininity, high power distance / low power distance).
Keywords: management, result, effect, individual, global, managerial culture
Introduction. The process of explaining the political factors will never be able to replace the realities and that is the reason why we propose to have, on an European level, an analysis of the way in which the economic discrepancies deepen the educational ones thus creating a spiral of disparities within all areas. It is obvious that we cannot only conclude that certain policies have been bankrupt, but to seek and find solutions for the future. The demographic deficit in the Eastern European countries has created even bigger problems in the educational field favouring the emergence of some problems in pension systems also, but in the systems of distributing the revenues as well.
Aim of the study. In this article we intend to do a review of the main issues faced by the higher education in Eastern Europe, the causes which generate these problems, but also the economic, social, political and cultural effects on the level of those countries, but also on international level.
Keywords: flow of human resources, selection, business environment, motivation, personal, performance management, discrepancy.
Introduction. Current leadership is different from the one belonging to the last century’s society, and in the future, it will certainly be different from today. The difference is not one that relates to the philosophy and physiognomy of shape, but one that is structured on the philosophy of science dynamism and the complexity of social, economic, financial, informational and cognitive dynamics.
Aim of the study. This paper aims to highlight that in an open society, in which general management and even educational management move significantly towards complexity, leadership too will embody forms and formulas that take o leader out of traditional form of leader-hero, virile and good at everything, loved and followed, in favor of a teammate leader, a node network leader, one who will play a creative, innovative and distributive role, a cognitive and universal leader. This change of philosophy and physiognomy towards the creation of creation and innovation, towards knowing, encouraging and protecting those that step outside their limits, is what I consider as one of the fundamental characteristics of the leadership of the century that we just stepped into.
Keywords: leader, leadership; management; present, future
Introduction. The high importance of the entrepreneur’s role in society has been widely recognized by most economists as well as by politicians or decision-makers. The path to entrepreneurial success is not to be found only in books and business reports, but also in the country’s culture, entrepreneurial experiences, entrepreneurs’ characteristics, skills, personalities and behaviors, creativity and work.
Aim of the study. The aims of the paper are to define the concept of successful entrepreneur and to present the case of Mark Elliot Zuckerberg, one of the famous American entrepreneurs. The research is based on a case study. The paper demonstrates that Zuckerberg, the co-founder of Facebook, has succeeded in becoming one of the most successful entrepreneurs worldwide.
Keywords: entrepreneur, Zuckerberg, Facebook, company
JEL Classification: L26
Introduction. There are a lot of factors, both internal and external (social, financial, technological, political, legislative, demographic) that influence the activity of a company. Its adaptability and flexibility are decisively influenced by the entrepreneur’s education, but also by the group he leads and by the innovative spirit that exists at the organizational level. The local and global information flows provide support for the development of businesses that once seemed impossible. The entrepreneur has the capacity to take major risks, to identify opportunities and to ensure the company’s sustainability.
Aim of the study. The paper aims at presenting some aspects regarding the current level of entrepreneurship and the way in which education and innovation influence it.
Keywords: entrepreneurship, innovation, education, entrepreneurship factors, growth
JEL Classification: L26