Pages: 170-174
Introduction. The organization (firm, enterprise, school, joint company etc) means the basic unit of the human activity. In concentrates, organizes and materializes in products, cognitions and affects all people’s efforts, finally getting to represents the main way of life in society for the human being. The organization gathers, with a view to a unitary action, bearing the same vector, people, tools, vehicles, and financial resources, cognitions and projects.
Aim of the study. Even if it always acts unitary, according to a plan derived from putting into practice some policies, strategies, this composition made up of people, money, materials and vehicles is just an agglutination of tangible and intangible, from which may results either a coherent, performing action, and therefore efficient or an incoherent and not performing action which means the destruction or abolishment of that organization. Between these two extremes, somewhere around tangible and intangible, the human being imagines, builds and creates endless possible things and ideals that are to be changed into material things.
Keywords: organization, resources, tangible, intangible, equilibrium, dynamism, complexity.