Author: Paul Marinescu

 Pages: 45-57Introduction. This paper examines the importance of risk management within small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and investigates the specific situation in Romania. SMEs represent a vital component of the European economy, making significant contributions to the generated value added and beyond. Effective risk management is essential for the survival and success of these enterprises. A correct understanding of the context, without actually facing the same challenges, is particularly important for guiding and advising other entrepreneurs.Aim of the study. This paper aims to highlight a few models of organizational culture, approaches, features, characteristics and implementation strategies. At the same time,…

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Pages: 33-44 Introduction. This paper examines Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the dynamic context marked by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the conflict in Ukraine, and, particularly, the COVID-19 pandemic. The study highlights the measures taken in various countries to support their economies, with a specific focus on SMEs. Moreover, the paper emphasizes the significance of female entrepreneurship in the Romanian economy, both in general and in the current context. Research indicates that female entrepreneurship can bring greater value to the labor market and contribute to diversity and innovation. Aim of the study. The research methodology adopts a descriptive approach…

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 Page: 5 The current industrial revolution – the leap into the unknownWith the advent of the internet we can speak of the leap into new technologies. Digitisation is the new technological phenomenon that requires us to rethink the way we do things. Artificial intelligence creates the conditions for the leap to Industry 5.0. Robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), autonomous vehicles, nanotechnologies, augmented reality and virtual reality, wearables are essential components of the world we live in. Obviously, the question arises as to what is the real place of HUMANS in the current context. Artificial intelligence is creating unprecedented challenges because it requires…

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 Page: 5Innovation and EntrepreneurshipIt is difficult to decrypt innovation without considering the contribution of entrepreneurs, as the boldest ideas cannot be materialised otherwise than based on the actions of the latter. On the other hand, a successful business implies an optimum configuration of activities (distinctly from a common approach), this involving: the satisfaction of customer’s needs, a lower production cost and, sometimes, decreased price levels, a revolutionary design for products, based on novelty elements etc.Therefore, innovation and entrepreneurship are two continuously adapting, organically connected “realities”.  It is an illusion to perceive a business as being immortal. We have to adjust all the time…

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Page: 5 Change, globalization and management In the cause-effect relationship, change and globalization decisively influence the evolution of management. Obviously, we can also raise the issue of how management has accelerated, through repeated changes at the organizational level, the tendency of globalization. Management with its three dimensions: the existence of the market, the industrial means of organizing production and the corporation as the major form of business organization must adapt to new realities. The “three revolutions in management”: the detachment of management from production, the emergence of managers, professionals in the field and attracting employees in management activities foreshadow a…

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 Page: 5Ethics and competences The risks assumed by managers contain unknown elements susceptible to contribute to the bankruptcy of businesses. The dilemmas of managers are not related only to costs, but also to the destiny of their employees. Surviving on a market where the battles are carried out by partners having increasingly complex skills and where budgets are progressively more restrictive represents a true performance. Beyond the need for a consistent understanding of the economic mechanisms, managers should be able to attract resources characterised more and more by scarcity. The biggest challenge is related to the quality of human resources. It…

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Introduction. During the time, especially in the last fifty years, leadership has increasingly become a major subject in the management literature, a subject of much thought, writing and teaching. While the importance of leadership is generally accepted all over the world, there are as many definitions of it as there are organizations. In spite of the fact that the business literature on leadership is so voluminous, there is not an agreed-upon definition of the concept of leadership. Leadership is not only intensely studied, but also practiced in different organizations. How to lead effectively an organization depends on many factors such as the organizational culture, the behavior of the followers, and the personal traits of the leader. The vast majority of successful leaders are multi-dimensional individuals.

Aim of the study. The aims of our paper are to present a short biography of Steve Jobs and to highlight his contribution to modern leadership. Our research is based on a literature review. The S. Jobs example illustrates how a transformational leader as him can be a key factor in successfully turning round the fortunes of a company as Apple. The paper facilitates a better understanding of modern leadership, emphasizing the case of S. Jobs, and provides a platform on which to build further studies on the same subject.
Keywords: leadership, Steve Jobs, leader, Apple
JEL Classification: M1, M19

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Introduction. Starting from the observation that globally there are many voices questioning the level of adaptation of the current educational system to the realities of the contemporary world, we shall briefly present a couple of views on how the European and the American education of the future might look and also the way in which the academic leadership should manage this process of change. Since any vulnerability may represent in certain circumstances an opportunity, based on an existent analysis, as well as on some personal opinions we shall present the way in which the Romanian academic environment could develop. Believing that nowadays the exchange of experience and the know-how between different branches of the society are the key to obtaining a booster effect that will allow the occurrence of a synergy between them, we are proposing a vision through which the academic environment can take advantages, seizing on the experiences of the business environment, the effect of “leapfrogging” to eliminate the distance between the academic environment and similar systems in other countries with tradition.

Aim of the study. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the trends that mark the evolution of leadership in the Romanian academic environment from a systemic perspective to integrate the past, present and future. In our approach we start from an analysis of how the multiple transformations that took place within the Romanian society in its whole has influenced the academic environment, emphasizing especially the moments of rupture caused by the numerous reforms started and never completed and the problems of chronic underfunding faced by the system.
Keywords: leadership, academic environment, change, trends

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Page: 5 Change from desire to reality When the leader proposes a change in the organizational level, he needs to know very well the internal springs that motivates each employee involved in this change. Changing the behaviour of a group can lead to decreases in performance for various periods of time. Learning management plays an essential role in successful change supporting because it provides useful information to the accumulation process and encourages the assumption of the difficult situations’ responsibilities. Insufficient preparation can induce individual or group fears that influences the speed and quality. In preparing the change, it’s mandatory to…

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