Author: Andreea Săseanu

Introduction. People in general, leaders especially, are influenced by the organisational culture and the other way around. Organisational culture represents a determining factor regarding the display of leadership, since these two processes create each other, adding value and consistency to one another. Moreover, organisational culture can be created and developed in a fluctuant business environment, in which the external factors influence its progress. The development of society has incessantly been emphasized by the relationship between the sexes, by their individual evolution, but also by the interdependency between them.

Aim of the study. Considering the fact that, in the current turbulent economic environment, certain qualities such as flexibility, intuition, development of communication networks and motivating the employees represent values that are considered to be “feminine”, one can assert that, in this case, gender is an opportunity. However, if we should take into consideration the impact of culture, of certain mentalities and misconceptions that are still present, regarding the woman’s standing in society, economy and politics, we can state that gender is a discriminating factor, because there is still the tendency to consider men as being better leaders.
Keywords: leadership, leader, organisational culture, opportunity, discrimination
JEL Classification: M12, M14

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Introduction. Organizing the manufacturing processes constituted probably the most difficult challenge in the American automotive industry in the 1920s. A. P. Sloan Jr. was one of the greatest captains of industry and shaped General Motors Corporation into the largest automotive manufacturer of the world. His creative approach on how to mix a degree of decentralized responsibility with centralized control remains a useful example for every corporate leader.

Aim of the study. The aim of our paper is to emphasize the contribution of Sloan Jr. to the development of leadership. The methodological approach is literature review.
Keywords: A. P. Sloan Jr., leadership, General Motors Corporation, organization
JEL Classification: M1, L23, L62

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Introduction. The level of interest in entrepreneurship among policy makers, researchers, academics and businessmen has significantly raised in the last decades. During its evolution, the concept of entrepreneurship has been embedded in many various schools of thought on entrepreneurship. As entrepreneurship is interdisciplinary, it puts together knowledge and combines concepts from different fields of study and schools of thought.

Aim of the study. The aims of the paper are to briefly define the concept of school of thought and to exemplify its use in the field of entrepreneurship. The paper is based on a quantitative research method. It shows that the existence of the schools of thought on entrepreneurship proved to be beneficial for the development of entrepreneurship.
Keywords: schools of thought on entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship, macro view, micro view
JEL Classification: L26

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