Pages: 14-24
Introduction. In recent years, based on previous experience of the European Union to stimulate innovation at national and regional level there has been a paradigm shift in thinking about innovation in the creation of the concept of smart specialization. Smart specializations, taking into account the specificities and traditions of the regions have become a means to improve innovation and the competitive position of the European Union. In Poland, the regions introduce the concept of smart specialization in their innovation strategy. In the case of the Silesian Province for the most intelligent specializations were: energy, medicine and information and communication technologies. In these areas in the coming years should be focused stimulant level of innovation in the region, which gives a chance for faster development of the entire region.
Aim of the study. The paper presents the concept of smart specialization on the example of the Silesian province. Starting from the origins of the use of the concept of smart specialization in the European Union, shows the definition of the concept, the use of the concept in the development of regions and presented that specializations are considered smart for the Silesian province.
Keywords: smart specialization, innovation, production, technology, knowledge-based economy
JEL Classification: M14, M42, M48