Browsing: 2015, Vol. 22, Issue 2, December

Introduction. Improving education has been and continues to be a necessary condition in any society. Education contributes to increase the level of civilization, to develop the individual personality, but also to increase the level of the economic development. Organization and subsequent reorganization of the Romanian education system has been pursuing desiring to adapt better it better to the labor market needs and to adapt it to the international education system.

Aim of the study. The management strategies which are applied in this area should be considered adapting it to the domestic and international labor market conditions to the new education methods and techniques, used at the international level. The new trends desiring to transform the economy into a green economy require increased investments in education, in order to train the specialists in new green areas.
Keywords: education, management of education, economic development, labor market, green economy.
JEL Classification: A20, B25, F69, G23, I21, I22, I23, I25, J21, J24, O34, O43.

Introduction. Agriculture is one of the most important economic activities in each country or area, as it is in close correlation with all other the other economic activities, in a whole which must be structured so as to achieve a more efficient planning and organization of the territory. The practice of a traditional agriculture, based on industrialization, affects the natural environment through emissions of pollutants, waste and deforestation which together affects biodiversity. Green Agriculture suppose to empower managers to widespread the use of fertilizers, to improve the crop rotation, to realize a more efficient water consumption, to improve the storage methods and the supply chain of products.

Aim of the study. Agricultural policies are closely interrelated with environmental policies as agricultural activities have a considerable influence on the environment. The efficiency of agricultural policies is reflected in monetary transfers between agriculture and other economic sectors, in the costs due to the reallocation of the resources between different agricultural and non-agricultural activities and in the realized gains. Currently there is a constant concern of the governments for the transition to a green agriculture, and most countries recognize the importance of achieving sustainable economic development.
Keywords: green agriculture, traditional agriculture, innovations, food and agricultural policy, subsidies, taxes.
JEL Classification: H23, K22, O21, Q11, Q12, Q13, Q17, Q18, R14

Introduction. Currently, management and leadership are considered processes of influencing activities at a managerial and organizational level. Management implies the existence of individuals or groups of individuals who develop managerial activities. Leadership is a managerial process that aims to influence interpersonal relationships between team members due to the application of management functions.

Aim of the study. This paper aims to highlight some relevant features that define the concepts of management and leadership in a contemporary context. The main objectives of the study are: 1). presenting the main concepts of management and leadership; 2). analysing the role of leaders and managers in an organization; 3). highlighting main forms of manifestations of management performance; 4).presenting main influences of public management and leadership in the management of public organization. Leadership is not only a specific part of management, but also a state of mind, which creates an adequate framework for the manifestation of creativity and performance of a team led by a good leader in order for its members to succeed professionally and to achieve performance at an organizational level.
Keywords: management, leadership, managerial performance, motivation, competitiveness
JEL Classification: M31

Introduction. EU’ s 2020 strategy is to integrate creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship in the school curriculum by proposing a set of actions implying all students in entrepreneurial activity with a view to devoping theirs skills needed in business market. Governments should revise the legislation in force by eliminating existing administrative barriers and supporting entrepreneurs in crucial stages of the life cycle of a business; The links between schools, universities and business area should be strengthened in oreder to achieve aims proposed by EU’ s 2020 strategy.

Aim of the study. This paper aims to highlight that entrepreneurial education has an important role in the educational system, having a strong applicative character, as it does emphasize the size of the student’s personality formation act. The purpose of the entrepreneurial education is to promote students’ innovation spirit.
Keywords: strategy, entrepreneurship, students, education, business market, economic growth, market dynamics.
JEL Classification: A2, A3, M1.

Introduction. Contemporary organizations need to understand the meaning of change and to tackle it as a source for improving processes and activities, aiming at increasing the performance and competitiveness.

Aim of the study. The paper presents approaches to organizational change and highlights the fundamental objectives which the organizations set for themselves by designing and implementing organizational change programs. The conceptual framework of the change management is defined and the stages of the change management process are presented. In the final part of the paper the problem of resistance to change is highlighted by explaining the content of the stages that employees go through in the process of adapting to change within organizations.
Keywords: organizational change, change management, resistance to change, objectives, competitiveness.
JEL Classification: M10, M12, L21.

Introduction. In time, management proved to be determinant for progress, including for the higher education institutions from Romania. The management in higher education institutions is grounded by the principles that govern education, among which the academic autonomy, a principle newly introduced in post-1989 Romanian legislation that gives to the academic institutions the right to manage their own human and material resources, to establish their mission and their own institutional strategy.
The manager of the academic institution is the chancellor, his responsibilities being specified both in the Law of National Education no. 1/2011 and the internal juridical documents of the higher education institutions, such as the Academic Charta.

Aim of the study. This paper aims to highlight that thechancellor carries out the management of the institution, apart from the didactic and scientific research activity, in accordance with the prerogatives conferred by the law, using his abilities of a leader in the process of academic managing.
Keywords: management, higher education institutions, academic autonomy, Romania, leadership, legislation.

Introduction. All over the European Union companies face the same problem: a dramatic gender gap in leadership. Men far outnumber women in senior business positions in developed and less developed countries, including Romania. What makes leadership positions so inaccessible to Romanian women? Senior women leaders in Western Europe mentioned stereotyping as an important barrier to consider.

Aim of the study. To demonstrate that stereotyping is indeed a factor in the leadership gender gap, it was first necessary to substantiate that stereotype-based perceptions of women’s leadership do in fact exist in Romania. In the second part of this research, perceived existing differences between men and women leaders were scrutinized and compared to their standardized profiles as indicated by the Hogan Assessment Systems, both at the organizational and individual levels. Whether women stereotyping was found to be relatively low in Romania, differences in personality traits between men and women seem to impede women from advancing to the top management positions. It also explains the emergence of a diversity of leadership styles.
Keywords: gender gap, leadership, gender roles, personality assessment
JEL Classification: M10, M20, L290.

Introduction.Management of financial policies is a public issue and important to public policies in general and for the financial field in particular. Managing information which compose the sets of financial policies and the information generated by the application in reality of financial policies is an important component of management in the financial sector. The design of specific procedures on sub-domains of the financial sector is influenced by the level of optimization of strategic decisions in the financial field. The combination of direct control measures, regulations, from top to bottom with indirect measures influencing financial environment and the behaviour of those targeted in their quality of taxpayers or consumers is necessary but insufficient to ensure the operation of financial mechanisms.

Aim of the study. The article aims to make a brief analysis of the fact that to ensure proper functionality of the budgetary and monetary mechanisms such decisional measures require a scientific substantiation in the context of interdependence of our economy and society to the European Community.
Keywords: information, financial policy, monetary policy, budgetary execution, budget fund, financial crisis
JEL Classification: E5, E6, H6

Introduction. Risk is one of the biggest and most fascinating challenges of all times for humanity, because of its presence in all fields. Risk management as a component of modern management, has become a main concern for the modern world and one of the “key mechanisms” of economic development, a complex process that includes a series of activities meant to alleviate the impact of risk over business and planed or foreseen results.

Aim of the study. This paper wants to bring to attention the importance of risks and their management in today’s economic crisis. The sector presented is the IT& C, especially software, because Romania had a growth in this area for a few years but beginning the crisis this segment in economy had known a serious decrease. This paper tries to connect risk management and risk psychology to Romanian economy, culture and mentality. The paper presents in short some of risk management characteristics, definitions and few opinions; why in Romania this subject is not treated with the appropriate attention. The paper at hand focuses on the psychology of risk and how it affects the life of individuals and the existence of companies, the importance it should have on day to day basis, especially in Romania.
Keywords: risk management, risk psychology, IT industry, SME’s (small and medium enterprises), emerging market, and global crisis.
JEL Classification: M16, M21, G32

Introduction. Ecotourism has generated great interest from governments, tourism enterprises, tourists, conservation groups, the private sector and other stakeholders. This interest is generated from more vantage that ecotourism has, it generates profit (company, restaurant, etc…) without destroy the quality of the environment, in fact, it contributes to the conservation and protection of natural ecosystems and the socio-economic development, maintenance and enhancement of the traditions and culture of local people. Ecotourism has disadvantages, too. It is lived on the nature and the use it for realize the ecotourism, but using it that ruin herself.

Aim of the study. Ecotourism is small-scale tourism that visits areas of exceptional natural and cultural interests in a manner that: (1) protects the nature; (2) preserves the culture; (3) enhances the local economy; and (4) educates the tourists.
Keywords: Ecotourism, protected area, development, tourism, stakeholder, community local.
JEL Classification: N00, O10, O13, Q00, Q01, Q56