Author: Eleonora Gabriela Baban

Introduction. Organizations achieve their goals by implementing effective competitive strategies managing to maintain their market position. In order to achieve tactical and strategic objectives on a short and long term basis, an organization must face the challenges coming from the environment in which it operates, the permanent need being that of adjusting the activity according to dynamic environmental trends characteristic to the current stage.

Aim of the study. By implementing effective marketing strategies organizations can achieve their strategic objectives and be competitive. The main objectives of the study are: 1). presentation of the main characteristics that define market strategy in the context of political marketing; 2). analysis of the competitive strategies according to the position held by an organization on the market; 3). presentation of the main trends of competitive environment in the contemporary business context. To obtain the vote of the electorate political parties apply specific competitive strategies according to the position they hold on the market. Electoral success depends largely on how political parties (or candidates) manage to gain the voters’ trust by using effective strategies in order to improve and maintain their position on the market over a long period of time.
Keywords: strategy, political marketing, competitiveness
JEL Classification: M31

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Introduction. Currently, management and leadership are considered processes of influencing activities at a managerial and organizational level. Management implies the existence of individuals or groups of individuals who develop managerial activities. Leadership is a managerial process that aims to influence interpersonal relationships between team members due to the application of management functions.

Aim of the study. This paper aims to highlight some relevant features that define the concepts of management and leadership in a contemporary context. The main objectives of the study are: 1). presenting the main concepts of management and leadership; 2). analysing the role of leaders and managers in an organization; 3). highlighting main forms of manifestations of management performance; 4).presenting main influences of public management and leadership in the management of public organization. Leadership is not only a specific part of management, but also a state of mind, which creates an adequate framework for the manifestation of creativity and performance of a team led by a good leader in order for its members to succeed professionally and to achieve performance at an organizational level.
Keywords: management, leadership, managerial performance, motivation, competitiveness
JEL Classification: M31

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