Pages: 19-25 Introduction. These days, we are taking part at an increasing rate of business digitization, and without a doubt, we encounter difficulties in maintaining a clear overview of the business processes within an organization.Considering each business flow a puzzle piece of the entire company landscape, we aim to highlight the importance of documenting each ‘working piece’ with no other priorities. Having this focus in mind, as business intelligence and software developers, we can’t imagine this puzzle with a missing piece.Being aware of the fact that a solid base is built piece by piece, both the image of the company and…
Author: Andreea Pernici
Pages: 7-18 Introduction. In the last 30 years, the internet revolution has seized all areas of life, being undoubtedly one of the most important innovations of the century. At the same time, digitalization and e-government slowly followed the lead, significantly impacting the way citizens, businesses, and public administrations interact. However, now that all agents have integrated the new technologies into the socio-economic structures, the mere study of the two concepts individually will not be enough, considering the complexity of the current times and the challenges of the future.Aim of the study. Therefore, the current paper aims to introduce a new element…
Pages: 17-32Introduction. The Fourth Industrial Revolution (or the 4IR) emerged quite recently as a concept that describes the unprecedented transition of society towards a life governed by artificial intelligence, hyperconnectivity, and cyber-physical systems. To fully understand it, a short review of the previous revolutionary moments will be illustrated, focusing on their footprint on humanity, as well as on the business sector. After that, a definition framework will be constructed, that shows the structural design behind 4IR, from the fundamental characteristics to the technologies that it deploys. Lastly, as expected, when systemic dynamics are implied, the private sector will be the…
Pages: 7-16Introduction. In a constantly changing and evolving market worldwide, each organization seeks to shape and develop appropriate leadership, so that it responds to all the demands arising in the organization’s internal and external environment. Organizational culture imposes itself as the best way for operating in a successful manner.The members of the organization must develop a belief shared by the same values, attitudes, habits and written or unwritten rules that directly influence their activity. Culture needs to evolve in order for the organization to remain relevant in a changing environment. In this sense, changing the organizational culture is not an…