Pages: 72-78 Introduction. In order to battle poverty and promote social inclusion for vulnerable groups and other disadvantaged and disadvantaged…
Browsing: education
Introduction. The economics scholars agree that investment in education is a competitive advantage. After participating and graduating the “Advanced Summer School in Analyzing Market Data 2013”, the students will gain some formal competences is applied knowledge in Statistics with the IBM SPSS Statistics software. Studies show that the employers seek also practical competences in the undergraduate students, along with the theoretical knowledge.
Aim of the study. The article focuses on a SWOT analysis for organizing a Summer School in order to compose lists of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The purpose of the “Advanced Summer School in Analyzing Market Data 2013“ is to train undergraduate students from social-human sciences to gain competences which are valued in the market and a certificate for attendance, to develop an appropriate training program which combines applied knowledge, statistics and IBM SPSS software and to create a „Summer School quality brand” with high-quality training programs for the Faculty of Administration and Business.
Keywords: SWOT, Summer School, Competences, Education, Knowledge.
JEL Classification: I21, M53, M10
Introduction. Leadership is defined as the activity of leading a group of people or an organization or the ability to do this. Leadership involves establishing a clear vision, sharing that vision with others so that they will follow willingly, providing the information, knowledge and methods to realize that vision, and coordinating and balancing the conflicting interests of all members and stakeholders. A leader steps up in times of crisis, and is able to think and act creatively in difficult situations.
Aim of the study. The following paper aims to present the way in which leaders are made up in nowadays, and which are the big differences between a born leader and a person that is working hard every day to become one. The history is full of examples of true leaders, but the present has shown to us that leaders can also be created in time. The purpose of this article is to bring up front examples of leadership and also methods through which you can practice your skills and gain competency in leading people.
Keywords: leaders, leadership, skill, competency, education
Introduction. Analysis of income inequality is a general and constant concern of both the public and researchers and politicians. This subject, though, and has been widely debated, never becomes obsolete and does not lose its importance or valence mobilizing the more as he becomes more present with the onset of the recent economic crisis. This interest framework, on the one hand and the difficult context generated by the economic crisis, on the other hand, bring forward decisions and policy choices implemented or required to restore economic balance and well-being of citizens. Causes (factors of influence) of income inequality differ from country to country, there is dispute among economists on the preponderance of cases compared to the others.
Aim of the study. In this paper I will analyze two of these factors: education and socioeconomic status of their parents.
Keywords: education, level of education, skills, abilities, opportunities, social mobility.
Introduction. Education preserves and transforms the important components of societies such as culture, tradition, or customs which are thus perpetuated and transmitted to the next generations. Education also designs the motivations of the actions of human beings. For this reason, the role of education in society is essential and inherent and this is why society and education are considered as intertwined entities.
Aim of the study. The main purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between education and the economic growth of a country. Education is one of the most important factors for the economic and social developments of a society; and it is also the main component of the construction of human capital. It is very difficult for a country to accomplish a successful economic progress if it does not invest sufficiently and judiciously in education. Therefore, investment in education is seen as the vital part of a country’s economic development. It is clear that educational investments are expensive and long-term projects and must be more important than other possible development projects in order to ensure the welfare and prosperity of societies. Unfortunately, this idea falls especially focusing on most under-developed countries. For this reason, the importance of education in a country’s economic development and growth must be stated and asserted overtly and unambiguously.
Keywords: education, economic growth, developing country, educational investment.
Introduction. We live today in a changing society based on the globalization and better valorisation of the human capital. The human capital is the central driver force for competitiveness and development of the new technology and patent and a necessary factor for their efficient use in the new society. In order to reach the competitiveness objective, the European Union member countries seek to develop their human capital value by increasing investment in education, science and technology development.
Aim of the study. Based on the panel econometrics techniques, this paper explores the statistical correlations between human capital components and national competitiveness within the EU economic context.
Keywords: human capital, knowledge society, innovation, competitiveness, globalization, education, science
Introduction. Romania lacks a ”map of the future”. This chart of the future depends just on the human factor. More specifically, on the continuous investment in the human factor. During the last 2 decades of freedom of attitude, very few positive and sustained steps have been taken through solid arguments, with clear reference points and stages that have to be followed. It is absolutely compulsory to rebuild with new tools, as a surprise for the opponents and as an optimal solution for the supporters. This would be a new, superior creation, with an invincible astonishing result. This new tool means an effort of retraining, with a view to getting better, professional skills.
Aim of the study. This study proposes a comparative analysis, 80 years later, following the physiognomy, the attitudes and examples of good practice regarding the social mechanism through which a youngster could be calibrated into a leader of his generation, as well as finding the obstacles of the present social system. Besides the historical, social and cultural perspective of this analysis, we would take into account elements of social ethology and anthropology, and the whole thing would be built and based on an analysis with a prognosis effect for the next generation, starting from the history of the last 30 years and discussing the effects this history has had upon the very present.
Keywords: leader, reconstruction, professionalization, education, values
JEL Classification: Z13, O10, A20
Introduction. In the last decades, once with structural changes in production, organizations, technology and social environment a radical change in the economy has been underlined that substitutes the traditional economy based on industry-led services characterized by innovation and knowledge creation. At the same time, emerging economies have managed to win the battle with the world’s major competitors, even overtaking several of them. A representative example is the two countries: China and Japan, that in present are the top three economies in the world.
The human capital and – particularly the investment in education – determine the ability of individuals to earn as well as his perspectives of employment. Since most of the knowledge and skills are acquired in school, through the educational process, education has been recognized as the decisive part in the accumulation and development of the human capital and therefore in the economic development of a country.
Aim of the study. The aim of this paper is to highlight the characteristics of human capital in China and Japan (in terms of investment) and its benefits.
Keywords: human capital, education, competitiveness, investment, skills
JEL Classification: J24, O15
Introduction. It should be noted that this paper focuses on formal education as a mean of human capital accumulation. In the scientific literature there are studies recognized on both specialists and institutions level according to which education is the principal source of economic growth. The role of education consists in transmitting skills and aptitudes towards flexibility. This marks the entry in the new economy or knowledge society, in which competitiveness depends on skills and human capital possessed. Moreover, education is important not only for future productive capacity building but also for improving living standards. A better educated person will have more chances to get a better paying job and have more freedom to choose and decide what is best for his state of wealth. That person will also have the financial resources to take care of his health and access superior products and services.
Aim of the study. The purpose of the paper is to analyze the graduates’ insertion in the labor market in the context of the new economic changes and to reveal the relationship between education and their employability. This paper will focus attention on the role of formal higher education; particularly in Business and Administration graduates. The study will be based on a survey achieved through a qualitative research by the implementation of a questionnaire among a representative segment of graduates.
Keywords: education, human capital, insertion, labor market
JEL Classification: A2, J24, O15
Introduction. Improving education has been and continues to be a necessary condition in any society. Education contributes to increase the level of civilization, to develop the individual personality, but also to increase the level of the economic development. Organization and subsequent reorganization of the Romanian education system has been pursuing desiring to adapt better it better to the labor market needs and to adapt it to the international education system.
Aim of the study. The management strategies which are applied in this area should be considered adapting it to the domestic and international labor market conditions to the new education methods and techniques, used at the international level. The new trends desiring to transform the economy into a green economy require increased investments in education, in order to train the specialists in new green areas.
Keywords: education, management of education, economic development, labor market, green economy.
JEL Classification: A20, B25, F69, G23, I21, I22, I23, I25, J21, J24, O34, O43.