Browsing: Management

Introduction. Intensive learning methods, collecting significant information from case studies generate value and powerful business solutions. Facing avant-garde competitors and the real improvement of internal processes represent the stakes of high-performance companies. Opportunities also mean taking risks that make the difference between conventional solutions and unconventional solutions. In such circumstances, the differences are also achieved by the quality of the evaluation and the selection of team members.

Aim of the study. The paper aims to briefly present the relation between creativity and innovation and the ways in which a modern management can favourably influence the employees’ attitude in various contexts so that they are creative and, at the same time, finishers. We can mark out the fact that the management of a company can design intensive learning methods and facilitate the exchange of ideas in order to increase the speed of innovation in business.
Keywords: Creativity, innovation, management, leadership, competencies, roles

Introduction. The future of organizations depends decisively on their ability to constantly improve their technologies and processes and, on this basis, to develop new products and services that correspond in quantitative and qualitative terms to the evermore diversified requirements of the demand bearers.

Aim of the study. The paper addresses relevant aspects related to creativity and innovation as inexhaustible sources of sustainable competitive advantages. The conceptual framework of creativity is defined and the important phases of a creative process are delimited. The main types of innovations are briefly presented, while at the same time the variables defining the innovation capacity of organizations are revealed. The final section of the paper highlights the key role of management in stimulating creative and innovative processes within organizations and in developing innovative projects.
Keywords: organization, creativity, innovation, management, sustainable competitive advantage.
JEL Classification: M10, L21, O31, O32.

Introduction. Human resources management has been always a subject of debate when an organization started to analyze different approaches of reaching goals and fulfill objectives, especially when labour legislation come to discussions from the manager’s point of view. By so, ignoring the fact that human resources management has been tackled down by the instruments that has to be offer using knowledge and the special literature in the matter, we should take the opportunity and take a short regard from the personal perspective of the worker, both executive and non-executive, and to see if personal approach of creation is more or less valuable than the innovation of the science. In doing so, we consider proper to use Peter Drucker and Warren Bennis theories, that bring a path to the management and leadership works. We have to take into consideration that management is a science in the very perspective of the knowledge and by the principles that has to be respected when applied to obtain performance, well – shortly speaking – something that is learned, when the leadership is becoming more and more a science, but with a fresh personal start, taken from the features of one’s character that are given by birth or by a strong education and model.

Aim of the study. We consider that management – developed as a science, has a more theoretical approach, when leadership has a more personal, abilities related approach. Everything has to do with the fact that the society, in its continuous search for performance and economical gain, reached to a point where the management had no answers facing the capacity of one individual to be better by using his or hers ability to do things. By noticing that limit of the science of management and the unlimited individual capacity to bring more and more solutions, we must see what is the very perspective of both human resources management and labour legislation when it comes to create organizational politics for its future progress and development, because we must decide what should we do: choose management’s innovation or leadership creativity?
Keywords: leadership, management, human resources, creativity, innovation

Introduction. Today, businesses are using IT technology and IT systems to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of project management and business processes, as well as for supporting decisions and group collaboration. Nowadays, the development of a business can not be imagined without application of computing, tools and its methods. Projects are a special way of development and an important form for achieving the goals defined in the development plans of the company, locality or country. Projects provide rational utilization of rare funds and resources, contributes to revenue growth, economic sustainability, and better quality of life in general. Fulfilling these key objectives depends on what extent the planned project meets the parameters. A project, technically, is a temporary attempt to create a unique product or service to achieve a specific goal. Good projects need good plans. Planning is an important repeating process that communicates with the purpose of the project by defining which processes will be used, how they will be executed and controlled, and finally how to successfully complete the project within the time and budget planning.

Aim of the study. The purpose of this paper is to promote the importance of project management with the help of IT technology and adequate software, indicating that this process is very complicated, which requires detailed planning, strict organization and effective control process. Therefore, with the help of IT, in a best way we can manage and control project risk, increase profitability, increase the speed of information flow between managerial levels and reduce costs.
Keywords: Project, IT, management, planning, processes, business

Introduction. Trends of global market evolution have influenced the emergence and development of clusters which are very well structured and, at the level of companies, they have encouraged the development of individual and professional networking processes. Networking thus becomes a resource that represents an opportunity offering potential organisational benefits, while being a process in which management principles and organisational communication elements are found.

Aim of the study. As a process, management aims at achieving the organisational objectives by using limited resources and by guiding systems within the context of a dynamic environment.
Keywords: networking, management, branding, planning.

Introduction. In a period of less than two decades (mid-1950 and early 1970s) Japan succeeded in achieving high economic growth rates and becoming the world’s second economic superpower. Both macroeconomic and microeconomic factors, such as the Japanese government’s economic policies, institutional reform, high saving rates, land reform, and high-competitive corporate management contributed to this performance. Based on a strong cultural framework, the so-called “Japanese style management” represents one of the many explanations of the Japanese economic miracle. In this sense, the Japanese culture and its influence on Japanese management have been subject of numerous researches in the last decades.

Aim of the study. The paper aims to help readers to identify and understand some of the main cultural dimensions of the Japanese management. The research methodology is based on a quantitative method.
Keywords: culture, management, values, Japan
JEL Classification: M00

Introduction. Firms seeking competitive advantage therefore face a paradoxical situation. If they embrace diversity, they risk workplace conflict, and if they avoid diversity, they risk loss of competitiveness. The advantages and disadvantages associated with workforce diversity put organizations in a position of managing a paradoxical situation. To give support to this assertion, the paper considers what is meant by diversity, how it is best managed, what its relationship with creativity and innovation might be and how the problems created by the management of diversity, creativity and innovation might be resolved.

Aim of the study. This conceptual and discursive paper argues that diversity is a recognizable source of creativity and innovation that can provide a basis for competitive advantage. On the other hand, diversity is also a cause of misunderstanding, suspicion and conflict in the workplace that can result in absenteeism, poor quality, low morale and loss of competitiveness.
Keywords: management, creativity, innovation, human resource
JEL Classification: M10, M12, M54

Introduction. The COVID-19 pandemic affected society in general and the socio-economic environment in particular. The effects of this health crisis immediately spread to the economic and financial environment, affecting most industries.

Aim of the study. This article aims to analyze the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in football clubs in the five most important championships in Europe. The methodology was based on a quantitative research method. The results of this analysis show that the football industry has been significantly affected, and the prices that clubs have been willing to invest in acquiring new players in 2020 have fallen dramatically compared to previous years. This paper may be useful to those who want to understand the implications of the pandemic in economics, in general, and in football, in particular.
Keywords: management, European football clubs, COVID-19 pandemic, football industry
JEL Classification: M10, M19

Introduction. Every crisis teaches its own lesson. From the multitude of economic and social phenomena, the crisis has a baleful force, both through the energies it engages and through the energies it consumes through manifestation. The crisis is the hardest lesson that forces us to be careful so that we can avoid it, overcome it. Crises can be “managed” to become bearable. The attitude of the management, expressed concretely by the activity of the leaders on different hierarchical levels, comes to maintain and influence the performances of the organization, to support the dynamics of the change processes and to help, in this way, to design and achieve the strategic vision.

Aim of the study. This paper intends to present some strategic visions and ways of exercising the missions of leaders in organizations determined by the requirements for change.
Keywords: management, organization, change management, crisis, strategic vision
JEL Classification: G10, M10, M15

Introduction. In the context of “Industry 4.0”, applying the principles of diversity management is a very important topic for all developed countries. Even if the adoption of regulations intended to increase the number of women in different management positions is discussed at the government level, the culture of each individual organization is a deciding factor for the chances of women’s success. Secondary sources consisting of statistical data, scientific articles and relevant sources and materials were used for them. Aspects such as traditions, customs and beliefs influence both the share of women involved in professional life, but also the different level of payment. This leads to another much-debated topic, namely equality in chances and rights. Our country, even though it is not one of the largest economies in the world, has understood the benefits of gender diversity in order to ensure a healthy and sustainable development. This is also the case of the generally man dominated IT sector.

Aim of the study. This paper focuses on the involvement of women in the professional activities of the future. The cultural differences between the developed economies of the world is one of the main causes of the percentage differences related to the involvement and the role of women in ensuring a long term sustainable development.
Keywords: Management, IT industry, woman role, Industry 4.0
JEL Classification: M12, M14, M54