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The capital of relationships at the level of an organisation
If we make an analysis of the organisational dynamics, we cannot ignore the connection between the quality of the network of relationships and the modality of highlighting the same. The relationships with suppliers, beneficiaries, competitors, banks, public institutions, NGOs have an essential impact on the personal and organisational performance. As regards their customers, the companies are sometimes tempted to make exclusive use of impersonal relationships. The apparent time saving obtained by resorting to such relationships can endanger the achieving of the established purposes. It is ascertained that the interpersonal relationships have an important role in the evolution of partnerships. The optimum combination between the use of interpersonal and impersonal relationships can generate performance. The analysis of stakeholders, of environments and the SWOT analysis can provide the information necessary to define the alliances and to identify the nodes of a future relationship. The preoccupation for the development of networks of relationships led to researches in the network, networking and network management fields. Successful companies are sometimes involved in partnerships having as final result research, technological and marketing activities. Hence, they create their own networks of trust relationships able to generate synergic effects.