Pages: 101-107
Introduction. The Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has triggered an unprecedented social and economic crisis by terrifying the very core of human existence. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected entire business segments especially educational services for children because the main way of working – direct interaction – was completely disturbed. Numerous questions arise such as: What is the first thing you can do as an organization in times of deadlock?, What options are left in the race of survival?, What are you heading for, as an organisation, in time of total uncertainty?In this respect, Fun Science Romania may provide answers as it is the Romania’s leading science enrichment provider, delivering unique science experiences for children. This study is based on findings from fifteen years of practice in science events area.
Aim of the study. The spaper describes consequences of COVID 19 on Fun Science Romania, an organization providing educational services. It also reveals the best strategic options according to SWOT analysis. The aims of the paper are to present the challenges and opportunities in educational management during COVID-19 pandemic.
Keywords: educational management, COVID 19, Fun Science, challenges, opportunities
JEL Classification: A10, I20, M10