Pages: 70-74
Introduction. After the year of 2000, a major event would take place, that would reshape the way we see the past and allow us to even find out about our personal pasts. This event bears the name of <<archival revolution>>. Through it, many new collections and funds have entered the research circuit. This would have a big impact not only for historical research, but also for normal people. This would allow them to right the wrongs that have been done to them by the communist regimes and to find out where they came from. That being said, this would allow researchers to monetize on this work outside the academic realm and create new entrepreneurs. Historians such as Dumitru Lăcătușu and Mihai Burcea have previously explained the importance of the liberalization of the archives. Still, up until now, nobody showed its entrepreneurial potential.
Aim of the study. The aims of the paper are to present the archival revolution and its impact in history and entrepreneurship. The author uses qualitative and quantitative methods of documents research. Also, in order to fulfill the goals of the paper, an interdisciplinary approach was absolutely necessary. In this respect, the author makes use of other sciences, such as economy, sociology, anthropology and law.
Keywords: archival revolution, entrepreneurship, communist era, liberalization.
JEL Classification: L26, N00