Introduction. SMEs are more flexible being supportive of economic growth in local communities. The expansion of SMEs in Romania has various particularities on regional level, being identified different disparities in terms of local units’ distribution and turnover creation. Still, in order for SMEs to be able to survive, various measures need to be taken by governments and support their future expansion, considering the economic, social, cultural and political context.
Aim of the study. The aim of this paper is to analyse the impact of tourism small and medium enterprises (SMEs) on economic development. Even if, SMEs are deficient in terms of skilled labour force, and finance, they have the power to generate value added, backward and forward linkages, entrepreneurship spirit, adaptation to change, with an extreme importance in long-term development and survival on a dynamic market.
Keywords: small and medium enterprises, Romania, regional disparities, economic development, turnover
JEL Classification: L83, Z32