Browsing: 2016, Vol. 24, Issue 2, December

Introduction. In the specialized literature the concept of self-directed learning is linked with personality traits, learning environment or learning process. In the literature we find that there is a correlation between self-directed learning and some personal traits from the “Big Five” model of personality, including extraversion, agreeableness, openness and conscientiousness. Self-directed learning is also influenced by the learning environment, which consists of teaching environment, learning environment, technology and administrative support. In a “traditional” learning environment, the teacher defines the learning goals, delivers the knowledge and evaluates the student’s ability to memorize the specific delivered knowledge. The student’s learning needs are rather seen homogeneous than heterogeneous. In a self-directed learning environment, the student takes the initiative, defines his own strategies of learning specific goals and evaluates his evolution in pursuing a certain learning goal. Seen as a process, the self-directed learning can be structured in certain steps like: defining the steps of learning from easy to difficult; establishing an own calendar of learning; evaluating his own learning progress etc.

Aim of the study. The aim of this article is to understand the concept of self-directed learning and to explore how to use self-directed learning in an educational environment, in order to find the appropriate qualitative and/or quantitative methodology to study the self-directed learning concept.
Keywords: self-directed learning, personality traits, communication skills, economic education, motivation.
JEL Classification: D83, I21, P36

Introduction. In today’s economic climate, in which great emphasis is laid on information, organizations get the highest value from their intellectual property rather than from their physical assets. Thus the organization is redefined and transformed gradually in the New Economy, which gives up on many of the old methods and approaches, seeking to integrate in the much more complex reality that occurs. The progress of an organization in a knowledge economy is directly proportional to its accumulated intellectual capital and knowledge, regardless of whether we relate to public or private sector.

Aim of the study. In this paper, we present a few aspects on the reflection of knowledge management and intellectual capital in the new economy.
Keywords: knowledge, organizational management, information, economic development, intellectual capital, knowledge management
JEL Classification: M19, O34, L25

Introduction. The entrepreneur is one of the main pawns of a competitive market economy, as he creates and develops organizations, thereby contributing decisively to the strengthening of the small and medium enterprises sector in contemporary economies.

Aim of the study. This paper aims to addresses important issues regarding the economic dimension of the entrepreneurial phenomenon, showing that entrepreneurship also manifests itself in other spheres of human activity such as education, social interaction, culture, politics, etc. The paper summarizes the main coordinates that define the conceptual framework of the entrepreneur and, at the same time, it exposes and analyzes some of the most important qualities that an entrepreneur should have in order to cope with the current business environment successfully.
Keywords: entrepreneur, SMEs, entrepreneurial phenomenon, entrepreneurial environment.
JEL Classification: L26, M10, M21, O10.

Introduction. The place and role of SOEs in a national economy was debated many years ago from the collapse of socialist economies when it came to the former communist countries to make a transition from the planned economy to an economy of free market, and even back in time to the early 80s, an example being the Teacher government in the UK. The subject remains as important nowadays for Romania, given that there are still many problems in connection with the responsibility of the state towards various fields of economic activity, the leadership and the involvement of public authorities and, not least, the economic performances brought by this type of enterprise.

Aim of the study. This paper try to make a review of the scientific literature in order to reveal significant researches in the domain, a short presentation of Romanians SOEs and their economic environment in 2014 and an analysis of the economic efficiency of public enterprises in Romania that focuses on the evolution of the 2012-2014 period of the number of public companies, of the major financial indicators, of the number of insolvencies, of the outstanding payments and of the state subsidies, as well as correlation between these results and the type of management and leadership applied in public enterprises, and that reflects the importance of this study for actual research in Romania.
Keywords: state owned enterprises, corporate governance, leadership, economic efficiency, financial indicators
JEL Classification: H54, H83, I32, I33

Introduction. Individuals acquire abilities and knowledge thanks to the education system and these are further used on the labour market, but the main purpose of education is to contribute to the individuals’ intellectual development, to their creative spirit as well as their sense of responsibility, so that the higher education graduates become increasingly more capable of improving their quality of life and ensuring a decent future by making use of the knowledge gained during study years in their work.

Aim of the study. This paper tackles the problem of personal investment in education from the perspective of academic marketing, while the conclusions reflect the importance of personal investment in education to obtain benefits at individual, organizational and social levels on a competitive and globalized market, but also the major role of academic marketing in orienting higher education institutions towards consumers.
Keywords: personal investment in education, academic marketing, benefits.
Jel Classification: M31, I23, I26

Introduction. In a contemporary context, the role of political marketing is essential in promoting a candidate, a political party or the political projects. Also, political marketing is a tool by means of which one can mobilize all resources in order to fully meet the voters’ needs and wishes.

Aim of the study. The main objectives of the study are: 1).presenting the political leader’s personality and its importance; 2). theoretical issues regarding the main endogenous and exogenous influences on voters’ behaviour in granting a vote to a political leader; 3). a representative model of the influence of endogenous and exogenous factors on the voters’ behaviour in an electoral context; 4). determining sample size and choosing sampling method; 5). analysis and interpretation of survey data. A set of themes and policies used by a candidate in a campaign that can influence the voters’ behaviour are presented in this study.
Keywords: political marketing, political leader, personality, voters’ behavior, emotional intelligence
JEL Classification: M31

Introduction. Nowadays, leadership as a managerialand and organizational process influences the activity at the organizational level. Obtaining performance at the organizational level is also influenced by the way in which the most participative leadership style is applied in order to create a close cooperation between leaders and subordinates.

Aim of the study. The main objectives of the study are: 1). explaining the role of the organization as a complex system in a contemporary context; 2). presenting the importance of applying effective leadership in economic organizations; 3). presenting new trends of today’s leadership. That leader who is applying effective strategies, adequate for a participative leadership can get the expected results. He/she has to mobilize his/her team to work towards achieving the goals established. Successful leaders are those who “feel” their team and who are emotionally involved in activities because emotions are the ”source of success”.
Keywords: leadership,emotional intelligence, economic organizations, management, efficient leaders
JEL Classification: M31

Introduction. Currently, the industry is a very important economic branch because the industrial products have a high share in the total final and intermediate consumption. Apart from the positive effects on the global consumption, the industrial activities have some negative economic and social effects and also on the environment. The sustainable management in industry should increase efficiency and reduce waste, should find new production methods so that the economic growth can be made with fewer natural resources, fewer materials – especially the rare ones, with less energy consumption from traditional resources and with more efficient technologies, with less negative effects on the human health and on the environment.

Aim of the study. The transition to a greener industry is an important issue for all the national economies and it is very important to adapt the legislation to the new trends and standards, to adopt new payment schemes, grants and green funds schemes, so as to encourage the industrial enterprises to increase the efficiency of the total resources consumption, to make the transition to greener activities, to use more green capital inputs, to produce more green products, to increase the collaboration with the public and the private sector.
Keywords: sustainable management, metallurgy, steel industry, industrial policies, energy consumption, greenhouse gases.
JEL Classification: A12, D24, D62, F18, L52, L61, L72, M21, O10, Q25, Q42, Q52, Q57

Introduction. Globalization brings pressure on tourism businesses who now must develop in a more complex environment. In this framework, there is a need for a new vision, new tools for businesses to manage various aspects of the economic life.

Aim of the study. The companies must consider some changes in the way they operate, to better understand all stakeholders, the local communities and the influences from the world economy.
Keywords: tourism supply, tourism demand, business management, globalization, Romania
JEL Classification: L83, M10, Z32

Introduction. Institutional management in fighting against undeclared work. Considerations on some selections from notable studies in the matter.The European Commission had made some research on the undeclared work, focusing on the forms and on the tools that national institutions could or should use to fight efficiently against this phenomenon. According to some research made by European Commission1, “undeclared work may come in different forms. The most common type is work carried out in a formal undertaking, partially or fully undeclared. Partially undeclared work is sometimes also called “under-declared work”, “envelope wages” or “cash-in-hand”.

Aim of the study. In the research that aims to analyze the institutional management of the fight against undeclared work, first we must see some selections of notable studies made by important bodies and organizations. The role of the European Commission and the International Labour Organization in the research is important; what those institutions were released in the matter has strong impact on national policies and also in the targets that management of the national authorities is considering to implement.
Keywords: institutional management, undeclared work, labour administration