Author: Laurentiu-Dan Lazar

Pages: 80-99 Introduction. This article conducts a systematic literature review to explore the evolution of motivational strategies in response to the emerging workforce dynamics, particularly with the integration of Generation Z into the global labor market. It examines how intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors are perceived across different generational cohorts, with a focus on the unique attributes and expectations of Generation Z. The study highlights the necessity of adapting workplace motivational practices to accommodate generational differences and the increasing importance of flexibility, technological proficiency, and meaningful work in motivation strategies. It also discusses the influence of cultural and individual diversity…

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Pages: 67-79 Introduction. In the rapidly evolving landscape of the global job market, the ability to effectively manage one’s career has become increasingly vital. This article delves into the essence of career management skills among Business Administration students at the University of Bucharest, aiming to illuminate the pivotal role these competencies play in shaping the professional destinies of emerging employees. Drawing upon a comprehensive survey of 257 students, this research seeks to evaluate the current state of career management education, identify the key skills and resources deemed essential for success, and assess the demand for further specialized training in this…

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