Author: Dickson Mukoro

Introduction. The trend and the volume are increasing on a daily basis and all levels of the society are involved. The rich, the poor, the
young and the elderly, the male and the female all are neck deep in fraud and fraud related activities that say a lot about our moral and family situations. From the politicians to the bank directors/executives, from the legal officers to the law enforcement personnel, from the civil servants to the school teacher, from the trader in the market to the hawkers on the street, the tendency for fraud and fraud related crimes is endless.

Aim of the study. This study aims at exploring the relevance of forensic accounting in curbing crime and corruption in public sector. The objective of the research work seeks to explore the role a forensic accountant can play in the fight against corruption by applying his investigative skills, providing litigation support service and documentation and reporting. The population used in the research was the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS). The research design employed was the survey research. Data were majorly collected from primary sources. The hypothesis testing in this research work was done using regression analysis. The results of the empirical findings show that forensic accountants are relevant in investigating crime and corruption in the public sector.
Keywords: FIRS, Forensic Accounting, Regression Analysis, Crimes, Corruption

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