Pages: 17-32Introduction. The Fourth Industrial Revolution (or the 4IR) emerged quite recently as a concept that describes the unprecedented transition of society towards a life governed by artificial intelligence, hyperconnectivity, and cyber-physical systems. To fully understand it, a short review of the previous revolutionary moments will be illustrated, focusing on their footprint on humanity, as well as on the business sector. After that, a definition framework will be constructed, that shows the structural design behind 4IR, from the fundamental characteristics to the technologies that it deploys. Lastly, as expected, when systemic dynamics are implied, the private sector will be the…
Author: Denisa Elena Bălă
Pages: 7-16Introduction. In a constantly changing and evolving market worldwide, each organization seeks to shape and develop appropriate leadership, so that it responds to all the demands arising in the organization’s internal and external environment. Organizational culture imposes itself as the best way for operating in a successful manner.The members of the organization must develop a belief shared by the same values, attitudes, habits and written or unwritten rules that directly influence their activity. Culture needs to evolve in order for the organization to remain relevant in a changing environment. In this sense, changing the organizational culture is not an…
Pages: 49-59Introduction. Blockchain technology along with virtual currencies represent a widely debated topic which in the context of the current economic climate shows a growing interest. As digitalization intensifies, it is very likely that in the future a significant part of the workforce will conduct activity in industries hat use Blockchain technology. Given their novelty, Blockchain and cryptocurrencies have the potential to impact most industries and moreover to act as a link between distinct industries. Virtual currencies and the technology behind them are two extremely popular topics of the 21st century. As to how they will integrate into the current…
Pages: 55-66Introduction. Most of the studies undertaken in the direction of the underground economy identify fiscal pressure and corruption as the main determining forces of this phenomenon. The present study tries to address other factors as potential drivers of the unobserved economy through variables that summarize the conditions that characterize the business environment. For this purpose we will consider the situation of eight member states of the European Union, states that joined EU after 2000. Using panel data we will investigate the link between regulations and the informal economy over the period 2000-2015.Aim of the study. The paper is structured…
Introduction. The present study focused on investigating entrepreneurial intention in Romania using a technique specific to the field of data mining, respectively classification trees. The main idea of the study is to identify the probabilities of an individual being classified as a potential entrepreneur, having as a starting point a series of socio-demographic characteristics, but also perceptions, beliefs and opinions on issues related to training, experience and skills.
Aim of the study. The analysis takes into account some perceptions of the institutional support that authorities can provide to the entrepreneurial ecosystem. After analyzing 1522 responses to a questionnaire, it was concluded on the one hand that most respondents are not attracted to the idea of launching their own businesses, while potential entrepreneurs are characterized by a high confidence in their skills, in turn know individuals who have become entrepreneurs, these evidence being in line with other studies in the field, these aspects characterizing other groups of individuals and other societies. The low importance of the variables that describe age, gender and fear of failure in building the model implies that in Romania these characteristics do not significantly influence the decision of individuals to become entrepreneurs.
Keywords: entrepreneurial intention, classification trees, GEM database, self-confidence
JEL Classification: C38, C82, L26, M13