Author: Claudia Boghicevici

Pages: 52-66 Introduction. Public health infrastructure plays a crucial role in the health of a population. The delivery of population health capabilities, such as allocating resources based on a community health plan, analyzing data on preventive services use, and engaging community stakeholders in health improvement planning, is associated with increased public health system strength. Population health approaches, which aim to enhance the health of whole populations, have been successful in improving health outcomes and reducing health inequalities. An effective public health infrastructure is developed through several important factors. Strong institutional capacity, including public health laws that are responsive to contemporary…

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 Pages: 58-71Introduction. Human resources are an essential component of every healthcare system. The experience, competence, and devotion of the workers responsible for providing these services are critical to the efficiency of healthcare systems. Despite recognizing the importance of workers, several countries perform ambiguous and ineffective health workforce policies and initiatives. Health workers play a critical role in promoting people-centered health systems, supporting resilient economies, and fostering sustainable development. Success in achieving these global goals depends on the efficient deployment of competent and motivated health workers where they are needed to provide a full range of quality health services in a…

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