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Introduction. EU’ s 2020 strategy is to integrate creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship in the school curriculum by proposing a set of actions implying all students in entrepreneurial activity with a view to devoping theirs skills needed in business market. Governments should revise the legislation in force by eliminating existing administrative barriers and supporting entrepreneurs in crucial stages of the life cycle of a business; The links between schools, universities and business area should be strengthened in oreder to achieve aims proposed by EU’ s 2020 strategy.

Aim of the study. This paper aims to highlight that entrepreneurial education has an important role in the educational system, having a strong applicative character, as it does emphasize the size of the student’s personality formation act. The purpose of the entrepreneurial education is to promote students’ innovation spirit.
Keywords: strategy, entrepreneurship, students, education, business market, economic growth, market dynamics.
JEL Classification: A2, A3, M1.

Introduction. The Romanian labor market for students is a variable with many unknowns for them: from the process by which they can easily find a job, the job offers for them, the financial and non-financial offer, the motivation, the conditions work requirements, work requirements and resposibilities. The first job experience can often dictate the evolution or professional involution of young people, their success or failure on the labor market, their personal and professional development. This is because of the skills that are being developed through the first job, their opinions about the labor market – their opinion about the private environment, the private organizations, their role within this dimension and the value that I think can offer it or not in a professional setting.

Aim of the study. It is important to look at the image of the labor market for young people and their private organizations in order to find out what changes they should take in adapting to the capabilities of the target group. Students’ Perspectives on Private Organizations Who Experience First Labor Market Experience are of particular importance for at least 3 reasons: On the basis of this, organizations can adapt their working conditions and requirements to meet their needs and attract young people with good training innovation and intuition, a higher degree of satisfaction among young people at first professional experience would increase the chances of their accumulation and avoid frequent job shifts, a greater experience of young people within a single organization can provide more return, , dedication, creativity and the desire to succeed within that organization.
Keywords: labor market, young people, students, private organizations, youth perspective
JEL Classification: I2, L2, A3