Pages: 107-116Introduction.Refugee crises are driven by a combination of political, social, economic, and environmental factors. According to UNHCR (n.d. (a)),…
Browsing: public administration
Introduction. In the public administration and public management literature, a large number of studies make references to private organizations and private management in order to establish whether there are differences between public and private sector managers. There are not so many studies relatedto leadership differences between public and private organizations. In particular, the public leadership adopted by the public managers is presented in related literature as public managerial abilities and skills.
Aim of the study. The aim of this article is to make a comparing between the private and public leadership. We analyze (1) whether there are differences between public and private sector leadership based on some variables related to job complexity of a manager (including the managerial behaviour, job autonomy, and job clarity), decision-making vs policymaking process and the stakeholders vs political influence, and (2) to assess the degree of their effects on the managerial competences and performance management. Our study is conducted from the Romanian perspective on public organizations. As the methodology used, in order to identify the perception on political influence in Romanian public administration we conducted a survey among civil servants at central and local level. Our research is based on the empirical analysis of the relevant literature in public administration, leadership and organizational performance.
Keywords: leadership, managerial competences, performance management, public administration, private organizations.
JEL Classification: L3, L33
Introduction.In the past decades, regional development has been a permanent source of interest among researchers and policymakers all over the world. The importance of entrepreneurship in the development of the national regional economies has been recognized largely in the specialty literature
Aim of the study. The aims of the present paper are to emphasize the importance of the rural entrepreneurship involvement in the regional development and to analyse the results of a research regarding the cooperation between the stakeholders of the local and regional development. A set of two hypotheses has been tested by using the data of a sociological survey focused on entrepreneurship and on the potential entrepreneurs from the rural area, belonging to five development regions. The results of our research highlight that the relationships between the rural area business environment and the other actors involved in the regional development (local public authorities, professional associations, institutions centred on regional development) are influenced by the framework of organisation and cooperation with the local business environment.
Keywords: entrepreneurship, potential entrepreneurs, public administration, regional development
JEL classification: P25; M13; R58
Introduction. Public sector reform aim to increase its performance, efficiency and efficacy by means of the qualitative improvement of the services supplied by the public sector in view of maximizing the citizens’ individual wellbeing, by increasing the degree of democratization and public participation in the administrative and political decision making, through the creation of a framework of delegation/distribution of responsibilities which allow it and which facilitate the emergence of another level of accountability of those who hold and administer power in the public sector before the beneficiaries of this process (citizens, consumers, taxpayers).
Aim of the study. Public administration must consolidate the capacity to improve results and to change its vision, as well as its working manner. The critical analysis and the learning process after obtaining results and the impact at the level of service supply, meant to promote change and the improvement of public administration and management represent the engine of change. Public administration reform presupposes not only a change at the technical level, but especially a modification of the administrative culture consisting of a change at the level of behaviours, attitudes and relations. Also, an important role is played by organizational culture, which must be developed as a modality of stimulating constructive ideas and team work.
Keywords: public administration, quality indicators, public service