Pages: 23-36Introduction. This research delves into the contemporary and engaging topic of “The Ideal Employer Profile from Generation Z’s Perspective,”…
Browsing: labor market
Introduction. The shock wave of the economic crisis touched all aspects of economic, social and political life, has overturned the value systems and has disrupted the daily life of human resources. The lack of expectations, of a safe and legal income, insufficient jobs and undervalued human capital have generated such human resources developments that, in the future, will turn against those who now don’t have a coherent policy in this area.
Aim of the study. The purpose of this paper is to pull a warning signal about the erosion of the recovery opportunities of a very special resource which, unlike others, is endowed with reactive qualities and decision power over their own developments. Without a framework for its development, the quality human resource leaves Romania while the other part of it survives as it can. All these situations are beginning to be passed on to new generations, some abandoned any form of struggle, giving up hope, education, evolution, and some being ready to find a position outside the country. The question that remains is: who will build the future of this country and what ‘nationality’ will have this?
Keywords: human resource, human capital, labor market, unemployment, employment
JEL Classification: J210, J240, I250
Introduction. It should be noted that this paper focuses on formal education as a mean of human capital accumulation. In the scientific literature there are studies recognized on both specialists and institutions level according to which education is the principal source of economic growth. The role of education consists in transmitting skills and aptitudes towards flexibility. This marks the entry in the new economy or knowledge society, in which competitiveness depends on skills and human capital possessed. Moreover, education is important not only for future productive capacity building but also for improving living standards. A better educated person will have more chances to get a better paying job and have more freedom to choose and decide what is best for his state of wealth. That person will also have the financial resources to take care of his health and access superior products and services.
Aim of the study. The purpose of the paper is to analyze the graduates’ insertion in the labor market in the context of the new economic changes and to reveal the relationship between education and their employability. This paper will focus attention on the role of formal higher education; particularly in Business and Administration graduates. The study will be based on a survey achieved through a qualitative research by the implementation of a questionnaire among a representative segment of graduates.
Keywords: education, human capital, insertion, labor market
JEL Classification: A2, J24, O15
Introduction. Improving education has been and continues to be a necessary condition in any society. Education contributes to increase the level of civilization, to develop the individual personality, but also to increase the level of the economic development. Organization and subsequent reorganization of the Romanian education system has been pursuing desiring to adapt better it better to the labor market needs and to adapt it to the international education system.
Aim of the study. The management strategies which are applied in this area should be considered adapting it to the domestic and international labor market conditions to the new education methods and techniques, used at the international level. The new trends desiring to transform the economy into a green economy require increased investments in education, in order to train the specialists in new green areas.
Keywords: education, management of education, economic development, labor market, green economy.
JEL Classification: A20, B25, F69, G23, I21, I22, I23, I25, J21, J24, O34, O43.
Introduction. The Romanian labor market for students is a variable with many unknowns for them: from the process by which they can easily find a job, the job offers for them, the financial and non-financial offer, the motivation, the conditions work requirements, work requirements and resposibilities. The first job experience can often dictate the evolution or professional involution of young people, their success or failure on the labor market, their personal and professional development. This is because of the skills that are being developed through the first job, their opinions about the labor market – their opinion about the private environment, the private organizations, their role within this dimension and the value that I think can offer it or not in a professional setting.
Aim of the study. It is important to look at the image of the labor market for young people and their private organizations in order to find out what changes they should take in adapting to the capabilities of the target group. Students’ Perspectives on Private Organizations Who Experience First Labor Market Experience are of particular importance for at least 3 reasons: On the basis of this, organizations can adapt their working conditions and requirements to meet their needs and attract young people with good training innovation and intuition, a higher degree of satisfaction among young people at first professional experience would increase the chances of their accumulation and avoid frequent job shifts, a greater experience of young people within a single organization can provide more return, , dedication, creativity and the desire to succeed within that organization.
Keywords: labor market, young people, students, private organizations, youth perspective
JEL Classification: I2, L2, A3