Browsing: human resources
Introduction. The way to the new configuration: management’s paradigms – acting in the context of social economy. Influences on the Enterprises’s organizational changes
Aim of the study. This paper aims to centres itself on three main directions, as follows: a) the functional reconsideration of the enterprise: the independent work blocks; the type-one-two blocks; the influence of social economy, social enterprise, social responsibility; new features belonging to the managers, new paradigms of management and their influence on the organizational dynamics; b) the role associated with informatics and the informational support mechanisms of the enterprises and beyond them, as well as the role of information in real time; c) the methods able to show how to interpret the market’s dynamics, by using medium and long-term studies, and the marketing, economic, social and political development.
Keywords: enterprises, small and medium enterprises (SME’s), organizational dynamics, quality assurance, profit, social responsibility, social economy, social enterprise, knowledge economy, human resources, human resources training
Introduction. Nowadays, humanity finds itself in a time period in which the processes of change occur at a pace unknown before. Change itself happens in various fields – technological, economic, social, and environmental and at all the levels of the organization. There is a broad paradigm-changing action that can clearly be distinguished.
Aim of the study. This paper aims to highlight the support given to the organizational dynamics. Our study comes to support the organizational dynamics, by presenting the development of the concepts of „marketing” and „human resources”, by providing some relevant definitions for them, as well as the links that exist between them, in the context of small and medium enterprises (SME’s).
Keywords: organizational dynamics, enterprises, small and medium enterprises (SME’s), human resources, quality, profit
Introduction. Human resources management has been always a subject of debate when an organization started to analyze different approaches of reaching goals and fulfill objectives, especially when labour legislation come to discussions from the manager’s point of view. By so, ignoring the fact that human resources management has been tackled down by the instruments that has to be offer using knowledge and the special literature in the matter, we should take the opportunity and take a short regard from the personal perspective of the worker, both executive and non-executive, and to see if personal approach of creation is more or less valuable than the innovation of the science. In doing so, we consider proper to use Peter Drucker and Warren Bennis theories, that bring a path to the management and leadership works. We have to take into consideration that management is a science in the very perspective of the knowledge and by the principles that has to be respected when applied to obtain performance, well – shortly speaking – something that is learned, when the leadership is becoming more and more a science, but with a fresh personal start, taken from the features of one’s character that are given by birth or by a strong education and model.
Aim of the study. We consider that management – developed as a science, has a more theoretical approach, when leadership has a more personal, abilities related approach. Everything has to do with the fact that the society, in its continuous search for performance and economical gain, reached to a point where the management had no answers facing the capacity of one individual to be better by using his or hers ability to do things. By noticing that limit of the science of management and the unlimited individual capacity to bring more and more solutions, we must see what is the very perspective of both human resources management and labour legislation when it comes to create organizational politics for its future progress and development, because we must decide what should we do: choose management’s innovation or leadership creativity?
Keywords: leadership, management, human resources, creativity, innovation