Pages: 85-92
Introduction. Quality in healthcare means doing what is right for the right people exactely at the right time and doing it always in a friendly and highly professional mannar. Whenever unfavorable experience has been detected –meaning a gap between expected and actual performance – a set of key questions must be answered: where, when, and why problems occurred. Once the questions answered, changes must be made. Improvement projects should be systematic and not intuitive, including a methodical performance improvement process.
Aim of the study. In the following lines we present an efficient healthcare improvement performance model, namely ”FOCUS-PDCA”. Another tool for improving health performance is the „Medical-specific checklist”. It has an important contribution to improving health performance through standardizing the list of steps to be followed, as well as establishing the legitimate expectation that each of these steps will be followed accordingly for all patients.
Keywords: quality management, performance improvement, methodical process, “FOCUSPDCA”, Medical-specific checklist.
JEL Classification: I10, I12, I15, M16, M21, O20, O21