Introduction. An incertitude status always arises when dealing with leadership models: which is the best way to act? As simple as the provision of an answer to this question might look like, things highly depend on circumstances. We can all agree, we guess, that some leadership styles have proven their superior efficiency in relation to others, the ones based on extreme behaviours in the matter, for instance, not being, usually, recommended. However, despite of that, issues should be approached by true leaders considering the specific cases they face, be they related to the field of activity concerned, to the professional knowledge held by the group of people they coordinate, to their attitude or dedication, to the types of problems to solve, to the level of risk involved or to the surrounding circumstances, among others.
Aim of the study. Given the complex range of factors that might exert influences upon the choice of the most adequate leadership style, we are going to mainly focus, hereinafter, on the impact had on the same by the first three of the above-mentioned mentioned, revealing, for each and every considered case, our suggestion.
Keywords: leadership models, leader flexibility, situational approach, company management, business profitability
JEL Classification: J59, M12, M54