Browsing: 2018
Introduction. A study is being conducted using the data provided by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development through the Business Environment and Enterprise Performance Survey (BEEPS) database for Romania in the year 2012. At industry level, companies’ innovative behavior is unclear, but after grouping them into low-tech and high-tech industries, results have become more robust, respectively, in high-tech industries, there is an average of more product or process innovations. An interesting observation is that the percentage of adopting organizational innovations remains constant for both low-tech and high-tech industries. An interpretation related to the long term competitive innovative behavior is that by product and process innovation, the firm has a strategic vision and will have a constant process of structural organization.
Aim of the study. The aim of this article is to study the relationship between the type of industry and the rate of adoption of product innovation, process innovation and organizational innovation. In the traditional approach, being innovative is only effective in the short run because competition will begin to imitate that innovation. In an alternative approach, there is a distinction between innovative and non-innovative firms. We tried to capture this process by making two groups of industries: low-tech industries and high-tech industries. If they seek to be competitive in the long run, innovative firms are strategically proposing to adopt new technologies and to innovate in product, process or internally in the organization.
Keywords: product innovation, process innovation, organizational innovation, low-tech, high-tech.
JEL Classification: L0, O3, M2
Introduction. Since museums are community focused, they play an important social role acting as a cohesion factor and therefore generate social value. On the other hand, museums educate the public, therefore in a broad sense, they have a public mission which is valuable by definition. While monetary gains are measurable and becoming more important, we argue that social cohesion and museums’ commitment to communities should prevail, as museums are creators of cultural capital and individual and collective meaning. Finally, some related discussions and future directions of research are proposed.
Aim of the study. In this paper we discuss museums as cultural institutions, as important part of cultural heritage and creators of cultural capital. Museums are also credible economic actors: they generate revenue and, in many ways, they behave like a for-profit organization. We discuss the economics of museums in terms of supply, demand, competition on the marketplace and output.
Keywords: cultural heritage, museums, economic value
JEL Classification: Z11, Z32, M20
Introduction. When coming about making decisions, individuals endeavour to correctly address issues and to choose the optimum variant among the available ones. Often, the decisional process is made based on the decision-maker philosophy, intuition and/or experience. Depending on the rapidity with which the decision should be made, and on the style of the one adopting it, such process might involve one or many individuals, the latter laying the grounds, via the miscellaneous ideas considered, in providing better results. But in any circumstances, especially in cases where we talk about managerial decisions, if the scientific approach is not effectively involved in the decisional process, the outcomes are less likely to be the most desirable ones.
Aim of the study. Operational research proves to represent, in these circumstances, one of the key instruments in supporting efficient decision-making, it providing the entitled entities with a series of analytical methods and techniques, such as those related to mathematical optimisation, simulations, neural network, game theory and many others, all of them extremely useful for efficiently achieving the established goals.
Keywords: operational research, management science, decision-making instrument, analytical methods, optimisation
JEL Classification: C18, C44, D81
Introduction. Given that organizational development is achieved through the design and implementation of some change projects, several representative models of organizational change developed over time by recognized personalities in the field of change management are presented and analyzed. Based on the analysis of these models, the paper proposes a model of organizational change applicable to companies operating in the contemporary business environment.
Aim of the study. Organizational development is influenced by the continuous improvement of the processes and activities carried out and, implicitly, of the results obtained. In this context, this paper offers a perspective on organizational development by exposing some reference approaches from specialized literature, highlighting the “management system – strategy – organizational culture” trinomial.
Keywords: organization, organizational development, change, change model.
JEL Classification: M10, M21, L21, O21.
Introduction. Trends of global market evolution have influenced the emergence and development of clusters which are very well structured and, at the level of companies, they have encouraged the development of individual and professional networking processes. Networking thus becomes a resource that represents an opportunity offering potential organisational benefits, while being a process in which management principles and organisational communication elements are found.
Aim of the study. As a process, management aims at achieving the organisational objectives by using limited resources and by guiding systems within the context of a dynamic environment.
Keywords: networking, management, branding, planning.
Introduction. Recent research on highlighting the influence of tourism on the economies, societies and culture of various countries stipulate that it should be encouraged, even if there are notices some cases which result in the exploitation by rich countries, issuing tourist resources of the receiving countries, thus claiming a review of the terms to perform the tourist exchanges. At the level of the economy of a country, the effects of tourism are analyzed in general, starting from their connection with the objectives of the entire economic system. The interdependence between the development of the tourism and the economic growth is natural as it triggers the demand for goods and services which would not have been produced or delivered otherwise.
Aim of the study. The authors aim in this paper to identify the possibilities to improve the tourist activity by measuring indicators.
Keywords: entrepreneurship, tourism
Introduction. Starting from the micro-social level and ending with the macro-social one, organising everything around us on the grounds of sound strategies and of a leadership-based approach represents a key element for achieving the established goals, irrespective of their nature, in terms of maximum possible efficiency. If when dealing with an organisation, be it lucrative or non-profit, small or large as size, adopting the right strategies and choosing the best leadership methods and techniques might look reasonably accessible, when coming about conceiving and applying the same to large aggregates, as it is the national economy, things could turn into real challenges very difficult to deal with.
Aim of the study. The present paper tries to render the most important issues to consider from such perspective, treating them both under the form of an experience-based analysis and under the one of proposed directions to follow for getting better results for all stakeholders.
Keywords: leadership, organisational strategies, macroeconomic framework, fiscal-budgetary and monetary policies, welfare
JEL Classification: E52, E61, E62, E63
Introduction. In a period of less than two decades (mid-1950 and early 1970s) Japan succeeded in achieving high economic growth rates and becoming the world’s second economic superpower. Both macroeconomic and microeconomic factors, such as the Japanese government’s economic policies, institutional reform, high saving rates, land reform, and high-competitive corporate management contributed to this performance. Based on a strong cultural framework, the so-called “Japanese style management” represents one of the many explanations of the Japanese economic miracle. In this sense, the Japanese culture and its influence on Japanese management have been subject of numerous researches in the last decades.
Aim of the study. The paper aims to help readers to identify and understand some of the main cultural dimensions of the Japanese management. The research methodology is based on a quantitative method.
Keywords: culture, management, values, Japan
JEL Classification: M00
Introduction. Lack of financial knowledge and fair financial planning at the entrepreneurial level are the major impediments both in the start of a business and in its further development, among the major obstacles being the access to financing, which in the case of Romania is among the lower in the European Union.
Aim of the study. With this paper, the author wishes to highlight the importance of financial education in the entrepreneurial field from the earliest stages of starting a business and, on the basis of real observations, to mark the main problems and difficulties that arise in this context. The article is structured by considering a research in the scientific literature, a presentation of Romania Start Up Plus program, an outlook on the particularities and characteristics of the Sud-Muntenia region, and, finally, a close observation and analysis on financial training through Romania Start Up Plus program.
Keywords: financial education in entrepreneurship, business plan, financial planning, access to finance, Romania Start Up Plus program
JEL Classification: M13, O22, L26, M53
Entrepreneurship in the context of the fourth Industrial Revolution
The fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) represents a combination of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS), of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Internet of systems. The networks of devices that will be connected to each other and that will be able to store and exchange data at an extraordinary speed can provide unlimited possibilities for creating contexts in which people can develop their business.