Introduction. Most of the ones that lead private economic agents permanently look at competition with concern. They know that it is everywhere and there is no way to avoid it. They also know that if they want to survive they have to cope with it, and if they want to perform they need to dominate it. Also, they understand that the advantages mix that make an economic agent competitive is hard or impossible to replicate. The solution seems to be the identification of their own available competitive advantages, as well as a song made up of musical notes and the correct interpretation of this “song”.
Aim of the study. This paper brings into attention a less studies topic: the analysis and intelligence production specificity – as competitive intelligence process stage – given that the beneficiary is practicing classic management or leadership. The contextualization of the issue imposed us to separate the two concepts from the current debates perspective regarding the relationship between management and leadership. We did this in respect of the competition and competitiveness. Although that report is not clearly and definitively established, we tried to identify the main characteristics and essential differences in the approach of the actionable information needs. The obtained results were correlated with the competitive intelligence cycle stages, in order to identify the approach similarities and differences for each stage. Subsequently, we suggested models of possible approaches in the information analysis and intelligence production activity in order for the resulted informational product to fulfil their role as decision support in competitiveness augmenting.
Keywords: competitive intelligence, competitiveness, management, leadership, intelligence analysis
JEL Classification: L25