Introduction. In time, management proved to be determinant for progress, including for the higher education institutions from Romania. The management in higher education institutions is grounded by the principles that govern education, among which the academic autonomy, a principle newly introduced in post-1989 Romanian legislation that gives to the academic institutions the right to manage their own human and material resources, to establish their mission and their own institutional strategy.
The manager of the academic institution is the chancellor, his responsibilities being specified both in the Law of National Education no. 1/2011 and the internal juridical documents of the higher education institutions, such as the Academic Charta.
Aim of the study. This paper aims to highlight that thechancellor carries out the management of the institution, apart from the didactic and scientific research activity, in accordance with the prerogatives conferred by the law, using his abilities of a leader in the process of academic managing.
Keywords: management, higher education institutions, academic autonomy, Romania, leadership, legislation.