Author: Jesica Brumar

 Pages: 41-63Introduction.The education systems in the EU27 member states present different characteristics, these being both the result of specific national historical developments and subject to national laws that govern the field of education (but also other tangential ones: the labour market, youth, the business environment, etc.), but also of the implementation through open coordination mechanisms of the strategies and action programs of the European Union in the field.Aim of the study.In the case of the present paper, we have chosen a limited number of indicators that, in our opinion, highlight the most important aspects regarding education systems as the main…

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Pages: 26-40 Introduction. The rate of return to schooling (returns to investment in education) equates the value of an individual’s lifetime earnings to the present value of educational costs. For an investment to be economically justified, the rate of return should be positive and should be higher than the alternative rate of return. For the individual, weighing the costs and benefits means that they should invest if the rate of return exceeds the private discount rate (the cost of borrowing and an allowance for risk). Aim of the study. The costs incurred by an individual are the earnings deferred while…

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