Introduction. The innovation consists in the discovery of methods and strategies that could lead the organizations towards the alignment with the needs of modern society. The root of innovation are the discoveries these two notions being interrelated. The Dex defines the inventions as being “a solution or technical realization from an area of knowledge who represents something new and progress regarding the stages known before” and to innovate translates as “to face a challenge, to bring something new in an area of expertise or in a system”. Reengineering on the other hand stands for a management strategy business related who started somewhere in the ˈ90s. Reengineering is used for the reinvention or the innovation of the orientation of an enterprise or the mechanics of the business process towards more productive ways. Both methods (innovation and reengineering) try to optimize the management of the enterprises leading to changes in the process of development of an organization.
Aim of the study. The hereby article aims to describe how innovation and reengineering helps the restructuration of an organization. As I showed already in this paperwork the notion of innovation indicates the adaptation of the structure of an organization to the new. The accommodation to the new led in time and had a major impact in the progress and evolution of society.
Keywords: managerial innovation, reengineering.