Introduction. The term ‘leadership’ is used referring to inter- or intra-group communication. Strictly speaking, its meaning is to influence communication. Fundamentally, leadership and influence are synonymous. In this perspective, we start from the principle that in any group – regardless of structure or number – individuals interact in pursuit of a common goal, whether it is inside or outside group, referring to publicor private interests, shaped or diffused. The leadership designated as “the ability of a leader, driving a framework to determine a group of people to work with it in achieving a goal based on their strong involvement”.
Aim of the study. This paper aims to identify and analyze the extent to which new media have penetrated the Romanian organizations’ internal communication and have influenced the leadership. We intend also to consider how social media becomes a tool for organizational communication and contributes to the creation of a new kind of leadership associated with open communication. We start from the premise that new media and social media can contribute to the leader’s mission to create around him a vision and makes others to share this vision. In terms of open communication, the external image of organization reflects, in part, leadership practices within the organization. It is about the exercise of the shared collective leadership that should strengthen the organization position.
Keywords: Leadership, new media, social media, open communication, shared information
JEL Classification: O15