Pages: 45-54Introduction. It is increasingly evident that various challenges facing urban areas – economic, climatic, social, demographic and environmental – are closely interlinked and success in urban development can only be achieved through an integrated approach. Most cities produce countless current energy waste and inefficiency. For cities to find a place in the future of the Green Planet, they must transform into pure entities. Among the many actions that a city can take are: urban planning to ensure a moderate density and air quality, efficient public transport system that can replace the individual car, promotion of culture and traditions, integrating…
Author: Nicoleta Petrică
Introduction. The concept of smart city has become more and more important and “useful” in recent years because of the negative effects on the environment and human health. Thus, researchers have sought to find solutions to improve housing in increasingly urbanized cities.
Aim of the study. This article brings to the reader a certain structure in terms of analyzing the concept of smart city, as well as the dissemination of the most important factors to consider when a city moves from its original state to a sustainable and intelligent governance of the city. Smart City Governance aims to create new forms of human collaboration by using ICTs to achieve better results and more open government processes. This article highlights the fact that public administration and intelligent governance is a matter of complex processes of institutional change and we should recognize the political nature of the visions of socio-technological governance.
Keywords: smart city, sustainable management, urban city
Introduction. The current paper wants to showcase a study referring to the remanufactured products.
Aim of the study. In this study it is analyzed the concept of remanufactured products with a focus on consumers’ perception over this concept. In the 4th chapter of the article I presented the main results of the questionnaire which was taken with more than 50 employees of a Romanian company with a focus on Tourism domain (for the purpose of this research, the name of the company shall remain anonymous). The questionnaire had 3 important sections through which I analyzed the market for remanufactured products and the willingness of different groups of people (mainly individuals with a low income) to purchase such goods.
Keywords: remanufactured products, sustainability, Pearson Chi-Square Tests
JEL Classification: O14, L15, L63, F63, F64