Introduction. In parallel with the consolidation of the view that there is a real need to train and improve enterprises’ managerial staff – also in parallel with the increase of expenses incurred by enterprises in this direction, in the past decades this investment in managerial training is rather preparatory for the subsequent professional evolution of the people appointed in management positions of said enterprises – direct beneficiaries of these training or improvement programs.
Aim of the study. This paper aims to highlight that there appears a gap between what enterprises wish to obtain, by implementing such training and development programs, and what they are actually obtaining: in fact, the investment ‘leaks’ from the virtuous circle1 of acquisition of higher managerial competences and of their application in said enterprises (to obtain better economic performances, in activities that are more and more competitive), into the vicious circle of non-using this investment in management training, for many various reasons that we could identify using the results of empirical research.
Keywords: investment in managerial training, performance gap, managerial competences,the need for managerial training and improvement, virtuous circle, vicious circle, empiric study on management skills.