Introduction. The shock wave of the economic crisis touched all aspects of economic, social and political life, has overturned the value systems and has disrupted the daily life of human resources. The lack of expectations, of a safe and legal income, insufficient jobs and undervalued human capital have generated such human resources developments that, in the future, will turn against those who now don’t have a coherent policy in this area.
Aim of the study. The purpose of this paper is to pull a warning signal about the erosion of the recovery opportunities of a very special resource which, unlike others, is endowed with reactive qualities and decision power over their own developments. Without a framework for its development, the quality human resource leaves Romania while the other part of it survives as it can. All these situations are beginning to be passed on to new generations, some abandoned any form of struggle, giving up hope, education, evolution, and some being ready to find a position outside the country. The question that remains is: who will build the future of this country and what ‘nationality’ will have this?
Keywords: human resource, human capital, labor market, unemployment, employment
JEL Classification: J210, J240, I250