Browsing: sustainable tourism
Introduction. The sustainable management in the field of the tourism is important because this sector is one of the main sectors which contributes to the economic growth.
Aim of the study. The purpose of this research is to illustrate the evolution and the positive and negative impact of the tourism on the national economies in Romania, in the European Union and worldwide, related with the environmental, social and cultural aspects. The role of the national States is very important, in order to improve institutions, regulations and financing, to encourage the private economic entities, depending on the national specific, which requires specific economic policy instruments. The quantitative and especially the qualitative methods aim to highlight the importance of the sustainable tourism and of the sustainable management in the tourism sector for a green economy, considering the changes in the economic behavior.
Keywords: sustainable management, sustainable tourism, green hotels, energy consumption
JEL Classification: A13, D12, D63, E61, F63, G18, J21, L83, Z32