Browsing: sustainable management
Pages: 16-36Introduction. Sustainable management in the field of sustainable cities is extremely important because cities continue to grow at an…
Introduction. Currently, the industry is a very important economic branch because the industrial products have a high share in the total final and intermediate consumption. Apart from the positive effects on the global consumption, the industrial activities have some negative economic and social effects and also on the environment. The sustainable management in industry should increase efficiency and reduce waste, should find new production methods so that the economic growth can be made with fewer natural resources, fewer materials – especially the rare ones, with less energy consumption from traditional resources and with more efficient technologies, with less negative effects on the human health and on the environment.
Aim of the study. The transition to a greener industry is an important issue for all the national economies and it is very important to adapt the legislation to the new trends and standards, to adopt new payment schemes, grants and green funds schemes, so as to encourage the industrial enterprises to increase the efficiency of the total resources consumption, to make the transition to greener activities, to use more green capital inputs, to produce more green products, to increase the collaboration with the public and the private sector.
Keywords: sustainable management, metallurgy, steel industry, industrial policies, energy consumption, greenhouse gases.
JEL Classification: A12, D24, D62, F18, L52, L61, L72, M21, O10, Q25, Q42, Q52, Q57
Introduction. The concept of smart city has become more and more important and “useful” in recent years because of the negative effects on the environment and human health. Thus, researchers have sought to find solutions to improve housing in increasingly urbanized cities.
Aim of the study. This article brings to the reader a certain structure in terms of analyzing the concept of smart city, as well as the dissemination of the most important factors to consider when a city moves from its original state to a sustainable and intelligent governance of the city. Smart City Governance aims to create new forms of human collaboration by using ICTs to achieve better results and more open government processes. This article highlights the fact that public administration and intelligent governance is a matter of complex processes of institutional change and we should recognize the political nature of the visions of socio-technological governance.
Keywords: smart city, sustainable management, urban city
Introduction. The multiplication and diversification of the waste resulting from economic activities can be explained by the development of the society, which implies the waste as secondary effect. Apart from the positive effects on the global consumption, the economic activities have also negative effects on the humans and environment due to the waste generation. The sustainable management in the waste sector should increase the efficiency in the resources use and prevent waste generation, should find new production methods and new eco-designed products, so that the economic growth can be made with fewer natural resources and materials, with less energy consumption.
Aim of the study. The transition to a greener waste sector is an important issue for all the national economies and it suppose reducing and preventing waste generation, improving waste recycling and qualitative valorization, reducing the environmental impact of the waste, improving the existing national and international databases, encouraging green investments and a closer and a better collaboration between the local public administration authorities, the companies and the population and also between economic subjects from different countries.
Keywords: sustainable management, e-waste, municipal solid waste, recycle, reuse, remanufacturing.
JEL Classification: A13, D12, D18, D62, E61, F42, I15, O21, O25, O33
Introduction. The sustainable management it is very important, especially nowadays, when progress made as a result of the recent industrial revolutions allow to change the vision and the economic behavior in order to increase the economic efficiency. The sustainable management in the field of the buildings is particularly important because buildings have a major contribution to the greenhouse gas emissions, to the solid municipal caves and to the water consumption and also because the individuals spend a great part of their time indoors.
Aim of the study. In recent years, we can observe a worldwide preference for the green buildings, both for new buildings and for converted traditional old buildings, demonstrated by the numerous regulations in financial and legislation fields and thanks to the advantages that they bring to the inhabitants, to the owners, to the developers and entrepreneurs and to the State. Thanks to the last Industrial Revolutions, we are allow to use new equipment and products inside buildings, to transform their appearance or shape, their utility and their functionality, so they are more environmentally friendly and healthier.
Keywords: sustainable management, green building, energy consumption, modern materials, certification.
JEL Classification: A13, D19, D24, E29, E61, E62, F35, H 21, H 22, I15, I38, O12, O15, O16
Introduction. The sustainable management in the field of the tourism is important because this sector is one of the main sectors which contributes to the economic growth.
Aim of the study. The purpose of this research is to illustrate the evolution and the positive and negative impact of the tourism on the national economies in Romania, in the European Union and worldwide, related with the environmental, social and cultural aspects. The role of the national States is very important, in order to improve institutions, regulations and financing, to encourage the private economic entities, depending on the national specific, which requires specific economic policy instruments. The quantitative and especially the qualitative methods aim to highlight the importance of the sustainable tourism and of the sustainable management in the tourism sector for a green economy, considering the changes in the economic behavior.
Keywords: sustainable management, sustainable tourism, green hotels, energy consumption
JEL Classification: A13, D12, D63, E61, F63, G18, J21, L83, Z32
Introduction. The sustainable management in the field of the transport is particularly important because this sector is one of the main producers of the greenhouse gases, together with the sector of buildings and the industry. The purpose of this research is to illustrate the evolution and the positive and negative impact that sustainable transports have on the national economies in Romania, in the European Union and worldwide. Given the importance they have in different regions of the world the purpose of the research is determined by the fact that national policies, both at European Union level and at global level, must include aspects related to the green economy, both by encouraging private economic entities, as well as by a stronger state involvement, by a more efficient management.
Aim of the study. The quantitative and especially the qualitative methods aim to highlight the importance of sustainable transport for a green economy. The sustainable management it is very important, especially nowadays, when progress allow to change the vision and the economic behavior in order to increase the economic efficiency.
Keywords: sustainable management, green transport, transport demand, combined transport, avoiding transportation, green infrastructure.
JEL Classification: A13, D18, D62, E61, F69, G18, H53, I15, L62, L71, L91, L92, O18, R41, R42