Browsing: SBA for Europe

Introduction. On a long term Romania’s economic and social development potential looks quite promising thanks to the potential that SMEs pose and that must be encouraged and stimulated to capitalize current and potential business opportunities.

Aim of the study. The present paper gives an overview of Romanian SMEs within the European context, while analysing the number and proportion of firms and their employees, as well as the added value that the SMEs sector brings to economy. Similarly, the present paper analyses demographic evolution of SMEs and their density, regarded as a strategic indicator that reflects, from a quantitative perspective, the development stage of SMEs in Romania and in relation to the EU. The last section of the paper illustrates various aspects regarding the position that Romania occupies in the EC as to the implementation of the Small Business Act for Europe.
Keywords: SMEs, number of employees, added value, demographic evolution, density of SMEs, SBA for Europe.
JEL Classification: L25, L26, M10, M21, O10.