Browsing: planning process

Introduction. The term ‘sport marketing’ was first used in the United States by the Advertising Age in 1978. Since then it has been used to describe a variety of activities associated with sport promotion. People tend to define marketing in terms of their experiences, instead of recognizing one of the most important roles of marketing—carrying out the mission of an organization.

Aim of the study. In many segments of the sport industry, sport marketers are pressured to increase their product sales to generate increased revenues for their organizations. This pressure poses a challenge. Because sport marketers are involved in persuading consumers to buy, they run the risk of exaggerating or misrepresenting their products in an effort to sell them. Today, and in the future, sport marketers should recognize this risk and monitor their marketing strategies to ensure that they communicate honest images and messages about their products that are consistent with the core values of their organizations. A marketing program is not delivered in isolation of the organization-wide planning process. In normal circumstances, the marketing planning process must reflect the overall plans for the organization.
Keywords: sport marketing, strategy, marketing program, planning process
JEL Classification: M31