Introduction. Society nowadays, with its rapid changes and unforeseen challenges, needs a(n) (inter)cultural approach. Ethnocentrism, stereotypes, and discrimination have become huge obstacles in a world shaped by technology, communication and social mobility. The world has the aspect of a ‘collage’ in which cultures are juxtaposed, being partially adapted to one another, and still unprepared for a profound dialogue. Multiculturalism presents, interprets and re-evaluates the social experience of diversity and difference.
Aim of the study. This paper will analyse the reception of the Human Body exhibition of 2013 in Romania, from a managerial point of view. The research is based on the exhibition visitors’ book, to which a content analysis was applied. The main aim of the paper is to investigate how the ‘Grigore Antipa’ Museum (Romania) constructed the cultural context in which the scientific arguments prevailed over the religious ones, turning the exhibition of plastinated human bodies into an accepted public event, with a strong emphasis on education and science (medicine). At the same time, ethical concerns and religious criticism were downplayed by maintaining the focus on the ‘education for health’ frame.
Keywords: plastination, management, museum, visitors’ book, The Human Body exhibition, Romania