Introduction. Today the shifts in global economic, social, demographic and political trends will continue to put a tremendous pressure both on food supplies and on oil supplies, creating new challenges for food and oil manufacturers and consumers
Aim of the study. This paper aims to tackles the following key aspects: the economic and social perspectives of the world’s frozen food industry; the work done towards a sustainable, secure and healthy food supply; the need to ensure fair prices and a wide range of food and food access solutions; the need to implement a more environmentally sustainable, more resilient, profitable and competitive food chains; the need to deliver wholesome, healthy, safe and ethical and healthy food products; the solutions needed to support the retail frozen marketplace on long run; the need to create a balance between the costs of the retail frozen products and the prices of these products; the perspectives offered by the freezing technology and the quality of the products; the key developments to date concerning the world’s frozen food market, the countries where these types of products are mostly used and the world’s biggest frozen food producers and consumers.
Keywords: world’s frozen food market, frozen food industry, retail, foodservice, food safety and quality, freezing systems and technologies, key developments, sustainability, social responsibility opportunities, an economic and social perspective
JEL Classification: F63, I15, O00, O10, O14, Q01, Q55