Introduction. Companies experiment with technologies, while managing to better understand their internal configuration. The firms will be able to adapt their organisational structure and will be able to gain competitive advantages at the expense of other non-innovative companies from the market. Companies learn dynamically about new technologies and those who learn better are rewarded by the market by some rents and for those who don’t learn, the market penalizes them by rising costs or even bankruptcy. From this innovation behavior, some companies are able to adapt, improve their products, have better technologies than their competitors and introduce new knowledge management systems. The research methodology is based on a quantitative method.
Aim of the study. The aim of this article is to study the innovation process as being generated by the evolutionary process and knowledge management within the company. Innovation and knowledge systems are an important source of competitiveness. Innovative companies gather more data, process them better and identify better the technological opportunities that they discover within a shorter time, being thus confronted with a lower level of uncertainty. At the same time, they will be able to accumulate a greater stock of knowledge about the respective technologies.
Keywords: innovation behavior, organisational innovation, product innovation, EU-13 firms, Romanian firms.
JEL Classification: D22, L21, O14