Introduction. The importance of technology for the economic development is widely recognized considering the impact it can have on the success, survival or failure of business activities of the companies, particularly in an environment of intense and global competition. Technology often provides saving solutions in downward economic cycles because it allows the creation of more effective business models and ecosystems.
Aim of the study. The article addresses the issue of Cloud Computing concept from the perspective of its implications on the business environment. In this respect we have analyzed the changes brought by the new technology which come to connect the discontinuities between the IT solutions adopted by small and medium organizations and those adopted by large corporations. The article analyzes the benefits and limitations of cloud both in terms of small companies and in terms of more developed entities. Whatever the size and type of organization but especially for SMEs Cloud provides a competitive advantage by providing access to affordable, reliable and flexible IT solutions that allows them to operate more efficiently among their competitors in the market.
Keywords: cloud, small companies, corporations, benefits, challenges